The Reports page is the last of the sections that the LMS' Learning Manager makes available to us. It is a particularly useful tool for the management of training results, not only to consult but also to export complete reports by user and training. It shows the aggregate user reports, that is, information of each user of the instance related to all the contents located in it.
It has two sections, which can be accessed through the menu on the right side of the screen:
User Report
This is the main interface, the data board from which you can select the filtering criteria and display the first results of your query. The main part of the screen is occupied by this table, which shows the first twenty results of our search, where each row represents the progress of a user in a given Training .

To scroll through the results there is a page index at the bottom of the list, which will also allow you to increase the number of entries displayed on each one, from twenty to fifty.

By default this list shows a series of fields distributed in columns, which in each case inform us of:

- student's avatar.
- student's name and surname.
- student's nickname.
- name of the Training to which the results correspond to.
- total time that the student has spent on this training.
- average time spent in each session.
- average number of visits per week, or times the student has logged on.
- points obtained in the training.
- student's status in the Training. It is indicated by a color, which can be:
Green, if he has already completed it.
Orange, if he is still in progress.
Red, if he has not been able to complete it.
Grey, if he hasn't started it yet.
- deadline of the Training.
- percentage of the Sprint that the student has completed so far.
These fields will be the columns that will appear in the CSV format report that you will export later. That is why the tool gives us the option to also add other result fields as well. To do so, click on the gear wheel at the top right of the list.

A menu with another set of default categories will be displayedt:
- student's grade.
Sprint cut-off score.
- whether or not the student has passed the training.
- date and time of the first access to the training.
- date and time of the last access.
- number of badges earned by the student in the course.
- number of points awarded during the course.
In addition to this, you can also add to the report all the fields that can be filled in when creating a Sprint in the Additional Info section.
Filter by group
At the top left there is a drop-down menu that allows you to filter the results of the list by user groups. Clicking on it displays a list of all the existing groups on the platform, sorted alphabetically. Search manually or use the search engine that appears at the top of the drop-down menu. Select the group or groups you want and click on the SEARCH... button on the right to apply the filter to the list.

Above the list there is a small field entitled Show: which tells you of the groups for which users are being displayed. If you have not selected a group, its value will be "All groups".

To remove any of the groups uncheck it in the drop-down list and press the SEARCH... button again. To remove all the groups and return to the general list, uncheck each one, or directly use the Clear Filters button, with the symbol of a back key, and press the SEARCH... button again.
Filter by date
The tool also allows us to filter the results for a certain period of time. Click on the funnel-like button located at the top right, it opens a small window. Here you can set a date range to limit the results.

Choose the start and end date, and click the APPLY button. To return to the general list, simply return to this window and click on the RESET button.
Export the report
Once you have selected the fields you want for your report, and filtered the desired results, obtain the resulting list in CSV format by clicking on the → EXPORT button.

Due to the complexity of the task (all the information of each user related to the platform must be collected) the user report is generated in the background, a warning will appear on the screen indicating that this process is being carried out. Check the new section History Reports to know when it is available for download.
For technical reasons there is a limitation of 150,000 lines or results in the report. This limit must be taken into account in order not to exceed it when filtering the number of results in the queries.
History Reports
The next step is to access this second section through the access in the menu on the right side. There is a table with a list of all the reports requested to the platform, and whether they have been generated or not, that is, whether or not they are ready to download.

This list includes some simple fields to easily find which is our specific report:
Type of report.
User that created it.
Status of the report. It can be In Progress if it is still being generated, or Completed if it is ready to download.
Create at indicates the date and time it was requested.
Next to these fields there are two buttons with the basic functions:
DOWNLOAD REPORT to save the list to our computer in CSV format.
DELETE, after generating and downloading a report, it will still be available to download at any time. Click on this button to remove it definitely and make it disappear from the list.
IMPORTANT: both the Sprint training reports and the grouped reports are run once a day. The amount of data displayed needs to be calculated after 24 hours of use of the platform. Therefore, the data query of both reports will reflect actual data from the previous day.