Home screen
This is the welcome section where we can access the several tools of the platform to which we have access. Its appearance will change depending on the user access we have, and therefore the tools we have access.

Accessible to all users, but with different functionalities and tools depending on your user access. This icon allows you to enter:
Learning manager in the case of a Group Administrator or an Author. This is the platform's educational content editor and manager. Here we can create and modify courses, called Sprints, catalogs, channels... and check the results reports.
My learning in the case of a Student, and the rest of the roles in a legacy access (other administrative and editing profiles also have User access assigned by default). This is the educational platform itself, where the completed and published courses are available to the students to complete their training plan.
To switch from one section to the other, simply click on the profile icon at the top right of the screen. At the bottom of the drop-down menu, you will see a "Learning Manager" or "My Learning" access icon, depending on where you are.
Accessible only to the Administrator. This is the main tool to configure all the parameters of the instance: users, groups, Apps, integrations, appearance...
Accessible to the Administrator only
of group. This is the tool for user management, where you can modify profiles and see which organizations and subgroups they belong to.
Accessible to all users. Access to the section of ads published on the platform. This is a quick tool for sending general communications to a large number of users.
Accessible to all users. A personal inbox where each user can receive and check all notifications addressed to him in particular.
User Profile
All users, when navigating through the platform, will find two icons at the top right of the screen. The first of these, the User Profile, shows our name and profile picture, and gives access to a drop-down menu that includes:
- Profile picture
- First name, Last name and Username
Your account: access to the profile page with your user details.
Notifications: direct access to the same Notifications tool we mentioned before.
Announcements: direct access to the same Announcements tool we mentioned before.
Access to user's manuals: direct link to this same Netex Community support page, where you can check tutorials about the platform, share doubts in forums or create reporting tickets.
Logout Netex Cloud: log out of your account and return to the login page.
Quick access
The second icon available, with the shape of a grid, is the Quick Access icon, which displays a new menu with direct access to all the tools on the Home Screen.
Current events
Finally, there is also a side tab on the left of the screen, called Current events, where you have access to:
Announcements: a preview of the latest posts published in the Announcements section mentioned before.
Polls: a tool that allows you to publish simple surveys aimed at users.