Main page
One of the tools we will have access to if our user has Group Administrator access is the Users tool. In this article, which has a second part, we will see all its sections and the options we can configure through them.
Basically from this section we can manage all users (administrators, authors and students) who belong to the groups and subgroups we manage. This tool is especially important when building the structure of a Multi-organization.
If we are managing a Multi-organization, we must consider that:
- Organizations essentially function like the user groups that already existed in the tool. In this case first level groups, since only these can be designated as an Organization. They have the same scheme, with subgroups, users, assignment rules... Except that when they are created, they are marked as an organization.
- To be able to manage an organization, in addition to having the access, we must be marked as as administrator of the group in its configuration. Otherwise, when accessing the Users tool we will see the message "You still do not manage any group yet" .
- We can manage more than one organization at a time within our instance. In the same way that an organization can have more than one Group Administrator.
- To find out which groups we are included in we must go to our account details, through the User Profile icon, and access the Groups tab.
When we enter the Users tool, we find the following interface:

where three elements stand out:
- In the central part we will see the complete list of users who are part of the organizations we manage. Each thumbnail shows the username, email and organizations to which he belongs.
- At the top left we find the Add user button, which opens a window for the creation of a new profile. And the Order by drop down menu, which allows us to organize the list of users.
- At the top right is the Select tool, which can be activated to quickly apply the Welcome and Delete from groups features to one or more profiles.
If we click on any of the profiles we will access the page of each profile, where we can access the user management and configuration features.

Keep reading the second part of this article to see the several options we will have access from this profile page.