Setting users
One of the tools we will have access to if our user has Group Administrator access is Users. In this second part of the article we will see the rest of the features and options we can configure with it. If you have not seen the first part of this tutorial, you can check it to introduce you to the subject.

Add users
From the main page of the Users tool, by clicking on the Add user button a pop-up window appears from which we can create a new profile. This is a complete tab where we can enter all the user's data. Some of the basic data can be modified later by the user himself, such as the profile picture, the name and surname or the e-mail address.

There are three areas of particular importance:
Username: cannot be modified once the user has been created, not even by the general administrators themselves.
Groups: in this field we indicate the organization to which the user belongs. Users can only be assigned to the organizations that we manage.
Line manager: this is the person in charge or the manager of the new user. This person must also be registered as a user on the platform so you can select him from the drop-down menu. This is a purely informative field, it does not change any behavior, and it is not mandatory.
User Access: here we will determine the type of user, and therefore the access he will have on the instance: general administrator, group administrator, author, validator or user (student).

Once the required fields are filled in, at the bottom we can check two flags:
Activate, if we want the user to be available in the instance immediately.
Send welcome mail, which generates an automatic email notifying the user of the new registration.
Finally we will save the new user by clicking the Create button.
Send welcome mail
If we have forgotten to set the flag to generate the automatic message to notify a new user, we can use this option by accessing the user's page and clicking on the Send welcome mail button at the top center.

Edit user data
By accessing each user's page, clicking on the Edit button, we will have access to the configuration tab where we will be able to modify the profile data, including the organizations to which he belongs. You can also edit the profiles of other group administrators and the organizations they manage, but you cannot revoke their administrator access.
Change a user's password
By accessing each user's page, clicking on the Change password button, we can change the password used to access the platform. This feature is very practical in case a user contacts us because he has forgotten his password and he can’t request a new one through the recovery feature of the Access Page.
The password change button will not be available for users with administrator access. In this case we will not be able to change their password.
Delete user from the group
By accessing each user's page and clicking on the Delete from groups button, you can exclude the user from the organization you manage. This feature is valid for any user, including other administrators.
It should be noted that this will not remove the profile from the instance. It will remain active, we will simply exclude him from the organization's activity.
Deactivate a user
By accessing each user's page, clicking on the Deactivate button will temporarily suspend the profile's activity in the instance. He will continue to exist, its information will remain in the instance, but it will not be accessible until an administrator reactivates the profile. In the list of Users, in the thumbnail of the profile we will see an indication that it is "INACTIVE".
The deactivate button will not be available for users with administrator access. In that case we will not be able to deactivate their profile.
Delete a user
With group administrator access it is not possible to completely delete a user from the instance. This feature corresponds only to a general administrator. However, if we want to exclude him from the organization's activity, we have at our disposal the features Delete from groups or Deactivate a user.
Remember to check the first part of this article for more information about the Users tool and its main interface.