Activity Types
When creating trainings for the Sprints, LMS provides us with different types of Activities, which differ by the type of content and its mechanics. Here you will see a brief description of the function of each one, along with links to new articles explaining how to create and edit them.
Remember that not all Activities can be gamified, as some are not interactive. You cannot gamify a Text, Image, Audio, or Timeline Block.
Once you have created the Sprint and assigned a Mission Block, you can create the first activity. Click on the + button, just below the mission block, and the list of available options is displayed. Hover over each one to see what type it is.

Text block
This is a simple plain text block that can be used as an introduction or description, providing more information to the student. It can be as length as you want, and you have several options to edit its format or add lists and tables.
Here you can include any graph or diagram that provides additional information, as long as it meets the formatting requirements:
Format JPG, PNG or GIF.
Minimum width size of 950 pixels.
Maximum weight of 2 megabytes.
This option is used to include a document with training content, so that the student can view it and navigate through its pages. The only accepted format is PDF, and although there is no size limit, it is recommended that it weighs no more than 5 megabytes to make it easier to load the file.
External Activity
This type of activity allows us to direct the student to a external URL. If you have a training content that you want to add to the Sprint, but it is hosted on another website, you can use this option to make an easy jump from one to another and maintain gamification.
SCORM/xAPI activity
SCORM or xAPI are files in a format that allows to house structured pedagogical objects, with the fundamental objective of facilitating the portability of learning content, being able to share it and reuse it. That is, they are pedagogical and interactive activities packaged in a file thanks to these format standards, so that they can be ported from one educational platform to another.
LMS also allows you to include video presentations as activities in your Sprints. They can be links to external pages where the video is hosted, or directly upload the video file to the platform. They can also be gamified and questions can be added for the student during viewing.
Like the previous one, this activity allows adding audio content to explain and support the training, in an agile way through a native player.
Course Presentation
Here the presentation of content is done through a carousel of slides, similar to a PowerPoint file. The platform has its own editor to create these slides through text and visual elements.
Question set
An extra tool to evaluate the student's knowledge and grade their progress. In the same way, through a native editor you can createquizzes with questions and answers of various types.
Here you have a tool that allows us to get the training content to the student through an interactive and detailed timetable, based on a timeline that you also configure through a native editor.