Create a File Activity
In this article we will explore a type of activity available, which is especially useful for making training content available to the students in file format. If we have a document with text, tables, images... that we want to make available directly, without copy/pasting the content, the File Activity is the indicated one.
If you want to know more about the process of viewing or editing a File Activity, click on this link to see the article "View and edit a File Activity".
PDF format
The only format compatible with this activity is PDF file type.
If we try to upload another type of file, the platform will return the message "Error when trying to upload the file".
Why pdf format? First of all for the advantages it offers over other formats, such as its stability, compatibility and the impossibility to edit it. But mainly because the LC6 environment is accessed through a web browser (Chrome, Mozilla, Edge, Opera, Safari ...). Most of these browsers have a PDF viewer, integrated by default for free. However, they do not allow the viewing of other files, such as Excel type, Access type... That is why the PDF format gives us the necessary compatibility and universality to reach all types of students and devices.
Enable the feature
The File Activity is a module type, that is, it can be activated or deactivated for each particular Instance . Normally you have to request the activation of this type of features to start using them, but since March 2022, the File Activity is active by default for all customers, both existing and new.
File Activity must be available by default among the activity types in the Sprints. If you can not find it in your Instance, please contact your Learning Consultant or KAM.
Add a File Activity
In order to add a File Activity to our content we must access the Learning Manager of our instance with a user that has access to create and edit Sprints (General Administrator or Author). To create a new Sprint, or editing an existing one, we must go to the Mission Block where we want to include the activity and look for the New Activity button.
Clicking it displays all the available activity types. Select the folder icon, called File. It displays two options:
Create: to create a new File Activity from a file in our computer, and upload it to the platform. Clicking opens the activity configuration window.
Browse: to recover from the platform a file already used in other activities, that was already uploaded previously. Clicking on this option will display a side menu with a list of all available files.
Use the top search bar to filter and find the file you want; click flag on its left; and press the √ ADD button at the top left to access the activity configuration window.
Set up a File Activity
Accessing the activity settings window, you can see several fields:
If you have any questions or issues with a File Activity, we recommend you to access the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) article, where you can find answers to many common questions.