One of the most attractive multimedia contents that you can add to your Sprint are the Video clips. LMS allows you to include audiovisual presentations as activities. In addition to providing training content they can require the interaction of the student through questions. And reward them for their achievements and progress, as gamifiable activities.

These activities can link to external pages where the video is hosted, or upload the file directly to the platform from your computer.
To know how to gamify a video activity and what options are available, check this article.
How to create a Video activity
To create this type of activity first access the Learning tab, within the Learning Manager, and look for the Sprint you want to add the external resource to. Click on it to enter the Editor.
Remember that in order to add Videos to a Sprint, it must not have been published before. If the Sprint is Published and then Unpublished, the Editor will be available, but when trying to create the Activity the system will return the error message It is not possible to change activity related data when the sprint has already been published.
Within the Editor, look for the Mission Block in which you want to include the Activity and click on the + New Activity button under it. The menu with the available types is displayed, click on the Video button (play icon). Two more options are displayed: Create and Explore.

Create a new Video
The Create option allows you to add a new Video file from your computer. Clicking on the pencil icon displays a pop-up menu to create an activity, with the following options:

- In the upper left corner, as in other types of activities, Set milestone (flag icon) and Gamify the activity (trophy icon).
Edit Image, in the photo icon in the upper-right corner, to select a header image for the Activity.
Name, to assign a title to the Activity.
Description, a brief introduction to the Activity, which will be visible to the student.
Create video content, click on this space to access the editor where you can select the video file and configure its characteristics.
Comments, check or uncheck this flag to allow or not students to add comments to the Activity.
Clicking on the Create video content option and a new side menu is displayed, which guides you to create the new video activity through three steps. The first one, Upload/Embed Video:

Add a video: click on the +symbol to import the video track you want to add to the Sprint from a new pop-up window. To do this you have two options:
Upload video file, to import it directly from your computer.
Paste a link, to import the video from an online URL. LMS supports external video sources in MP4, WEBM or OGV format, from platforms such as Vimeo Pro or YouTube. Once you have entered the source, click on the Insert button.
It is possible to add several versions of the video in different image qualities. Each version is assigned a corresponding quality description tag.
To ensure maximum compatibility with web browsers, it is recommended to add at least one version of the video in WEBM and MP4 format.
Interactive video: through this option you can show an image or a text with a brief description on the initial screen of the video. This feature does NOT work for YouTube videos.
Text Tracks: use this option to add a text track that will be overlayed throughout the video. This feature allows you to add subtitles with the audio translation, titles for the different blocks, or descriptions that support what is seen on screen:
- In the Subtitles window you can add the file with the text track, which must be in WebVTT format.
- Here you can assign a label to the text track, define its content (subtitles, titles or descriptions) and the language they are in, using the BCP 47 language code (ES for Spanish, EN for English, DE for German...).
The second step is to Add interactions. This tab displays the videos just uploaded in a player. You can use it to add the interactions that you want to appear during the viewing. These interactions can be of various types depending on their function: texts, images, hyperlinks, questions to gamify the activity...

At the bottom you can find the time or progress bar where you mark the point of the video where you want to introduce the interaction. Once chosen, select the type of interaction from all the available ones in the menu at the top.
The third and last step is the Summary task, with the options:

Title, to add a heading to the summary.
Introduction text to enter a concluding text or a summary of the video.
Set of statements to show a series of conclusions about the content of the video, some correct and some incorrect, and let the student choose which one is true. You can add as many conclusions as you want, but you must always enter the correct one first. A hint or indication of the solution can also be added in the Tip field.
Overall Feedback , when the video activity is gamified, allows you to display a feedback message to the student according to the percentage of successes he had. You must enter the feedback message in the field on the left, and in the field on the right indicate for which percentages of successes it will be displayed.
In addition to these three steps, at the bottom there are two other drop-down menus with other configuration options:
Behavioral settings: in this drop-down menu you have several options to configure the playback of the video:
Start video at to start video playback at a time other than the start of the video.
Loop the video to automatically replay the video once it has finished.
Override "Show Solution" button determines whether the Show Solution button will be displayed for all questions, disabled for all or set for each question individually.
Override "Retry" button determines whether the Retry button will be displayed for all questions, disabled for all or set for each question individually.
Start with bookmarks menu open. This function is not available on iPad when using YouTube as a video source.
Show button for rewinding 10 seconds, this function allows you to go back 10 seconds during playback.
Prevent skipping forward in a video, disables video navigation controls by default.
Deactivate sound, disables the sound of the video and prevents it from being activated.
Text overrides and translations: in this drop-down menu you can enter a translation for the different controls and response messages of the player. Clicking on the Interactive Video and Summary options you find the different parameters that you can translate, and in the upper right corner you select the translation Language from those available in the drop-down menu.
Once you have imported the audio and configured all the options, click on the √ SAVE button and the system proceeds to import the file and create the new Activity. This may take some time, depending on the size of the file. If you return to the Editor and the Activity appears inside the Mission Block, without any error message, it means that the file has been imported successfully.
Browse an existing Video activity
Explore (file-shaped button) is the second option that appears when you try to create a Video Activity, and allows you to explore all the Video Activities that have been previously imported into the system to select the one you want and create the new activity from it. This option helps you to reuse a Video Activity that has been already uploaded to the platform previously.

Clicking on it displays a new side menu with the Library, a list of all Video Activities that were previously imported. You can use the Search... bar at the top to enter keywords related to the activity you are looking for. When you find it, click on the flag on its left and press the √ ADD button. You will go to the same window of new activity that you saw in the previous section, but with the audio file already imported.
Netex disclaims its responsibility for publication of all content that is not hosted within the platform (Vimeo PRO, Youtube...). These platforms and their content are the responsibility of the creator and also depend on the restrictions that these providers apply to their products. For example, embedded publishing restrictions, or dynamic YouTube links.