Overall interface
Here are your training contents!
Once you enter the LMS platform, using your username and password, you will be able to access a dynamic and intuitive interface that will help you go through your contents and complete your training.
When accessing My Training tool, you will come across the Home page. Here you can have an overview of the trainings you have been assigned, your progress in the courses and other content of interest, mainly through the thematic Carousels.

In the central part of this Home page you will find the Carousels that gather the contents of your training.
Carousels are LMS's way of organizing training content and facilitating their access. They are lists of thumbnails with horizontal scrolling, similar to those we are used to seeing in other content applications. Each of these lists represents a topic, and their thumbnails give access to the different related Sprints and Channels.

Depending on the contents in which you are enrolled, one or the other will appear, always headed by the Featured in larger size. The Carousels that you can find are:
Featured: it heads the list in larger size than the rest, because it shows the most important content for you, both those in which you are enrolled and those suggested by the trainers.
My Learning: here you will see the trainings or courses you are currently taking. Both those in which you are enrolled but have not yet started, as well as those in which you have only completed a part. Each of these training contents is called Sprint.
You will probably see a small banner on the Sprint thumbnail that says "Mandatory". This means that the training is not voluntary and therefore you must complete it within the time frame.
My Events: Events are classes or private sessions scheduled to take place in person or online. If you have been enrolled in any of them, they will appear in this Carousel along with all the relative information (date, place or link, content...).
Channels: same way as in My Learning with the Sprints, this Carousel shows the Channels in which you are enrolled.
Channels are groupings of educational content that create more complex trainings. If the Sprints are a series of small activities, the Channels have stages that you must overcome, each of them consisting of several Sprints.
Recommendations for you and Channels Recommended: these two Carousels have a similar function, to show training content in which you are not enrolled, but that the trainers think may be of interest to you and which you can sign up for. The first one shows the Sprints or recommended courses, and the second one shows the Channels.
If you decide to enroll in these contents, they will disappear from the Recommendations Carousel and move to My Learning or Channels Carousel.
Coming soon: in this Carousel you will be able to see the Planned trainings, that is, the courses you are enrolled in, or that have been recommended to you but have an upcoming start date, have not yet started. In the thumbnail you will see a small banner with the remaining days to start. As soon as these courses start, they will no longer appear in this Carousel and move on to My Learning or Recommended for You, depending on whether you are enrolled or just recommended content.
Completed: this is a kind of history where all the courses you have already completed are displayed. All trainings that have reached their end date, but that you have not been able to complete on time, will also appear here.
In case you have completed all the trainings assigned to you, including the recommended ones, this will be the only Carousel that will appear on your Home page. If you have any courses pending completion, they will always appear in the My Learning Carousel.
Custom channels: finally,there may also be other specific Carousels, created by the trainers themselves on a particular topic, to facilitate access to certain content.
At the top of the screen you can see a bar with a series of accesses and tools that will help you navigate through the contents:

- Home: click on this access to return to the Home page at any time.
Sprints: access to the section where you will find all the Sprints, or simple trainings with activities, both those you are enrolled in and those that have been recommended to you. In a second row at the top you will see a series of buttons with all the Carousels that contain these Sprints, the same ones that you have already seen on the Home page: Featured, My Learning, Recommendations for you, Coming Soon, Completed and Custom Carousels. Click on each of the buttons to see their content.

Channels: this section gives you access to all the Channels, or more complex trainings composed of Stages and Sprints, in which you are enrolled or that have been recommended to you. You will also see another row of buttons, in this case with the Carousels that contain those channels, such as Channels or Channels Recommended.
Events: as in the previous sections, here you will see all the Events or scheduled sessions in which you are enrolled, as well as the related Carousels.
Achievement: this last section is different from the previous ones, it is used to check your progress in the training and consists of two sections, which you can access through the buttons at the top:

- Leaderboard: it collects the global ranking, with the scores of the best students, and your result in particular.

- My badges: here you can see all the badges or awards you have received during your training, with the description of each one .
At the top right of the screen you will see another series of items that can be useful to navigate through the contents. The first is a Search bar, represented by a square with a magnifying glass, which allows you to filter by keywords. If you want to search for a specific training, type the title or part of it and press the Enter key. A list of all the contents that are related to your search will appear on the screen.
Remember that the search is limited to the section of the platform you are currently in. If you are on the Sprints page, the search engine will be limited to the Sprints in which you are enrolled or recommended, Channels or Events will not be included. To do a global search on all content, go to the Home section.

Next to the Search bar you will find an icon with three stripes that displays a menu to sort the content by the criteria you prefer: name, relevance, progress... You can also choose to sort in ascending or descending order, from highest to lowest or vice versa. By default the contents are sorted by descending start date, that is, from the most recent to the oldest.
Next to the Search bar and the Order option, you will find the User Profile and Quick Access icons, present throughout the platform. If you want to know how they work, check out this article.