Users Tab
What is the Users Tool?
Until now, if you wanted to check the status of a user's training or their personal data, you had several features available, such as Reports or the user section itself within the Configuration tool. Now LMS has implemented a new feature that allows a quick and agile query of the academic data, without leaving the Learning Manager.
What is it for?
It is the Users page or tab, which can be found in the main interface of learningCoud. There you can see all the users of the platform and a summary of the progress of each one. It also has a search tool and a side menu with several sections to make it easy to access and consult the information.
How to access?
To enter the Users page you must first log in to your instance and enter the Learning Manager section.
Once there, in the top row look for the Users section, between the Channels and Awards sections, and click on it.
Who can use it?
This functionality gives access to students' academic and personal data. That is why your access must be limited to certain types of profiles, in this case the administrator profiles.
Users with an Author or Validator profile do not have access to this tool, and therefore it will not be visible to them when they access the Learning Manager.
Therefore only administrators will be able to use this query tool. But within them the access will be different, depending on whether they are:
Administrators, in which case they will have full access to the tool, they can consult the data of all the users of the instance.
Group administrators, who have limited access to this database. They will only be able to consult the data of the users belonging to the groups or organizations they manage. The rest of the users will not be visible to them.
There is one particular case in which a Group Administrator will be able to access the data of all users, and that is when he has no group assigned to him. In that case, since there is no filter, he will have full access.
How to use it?
To learn more about how to use the User Tool and what sections does it have, you check this article that explains it in detail.