Create and edit Carousels
In this article we will learn how to create and manage Carousels, as well as how to assign or remove the training content to them. As we have seen in the main article, Carousels are lists of contents, which can group Sprints or Channels by topics, making it easy to access and organice the training for the student.

How to activate Carousels
The Carousels feature is a module type, it can be activated or deactivated for each Instance. Normally you have to request the activation of this type of feature to start using it, but since March 2022, Carousels are active by default for all customers, both existing and new ones.
Carousels sholuld be available by default in the Configuration section of Learning Manager. If you cannot find them in your Instance, please contact your Learning Consultant or KAM.
Who can edit carousels
In order to manage Carousels, we need to access the Trainings section in the Learning Manager. Therefore our user must have General Administrator or Group Administrator access. Users with Author or Validator role will not be able to manage this feature.
Within Carousel management, the access is not the same for the two types of administrator:
- the Administrator has full access, he can both create Carousels and assign them to the Trainings.
the Group Administrator cannot create new Carousels, as this option is located in the Configuration section he does not have access to. he can only assign Trainings to existing Carousels.
How to create and edit Carousels
First access the Instance with a user with Administrator access. Go to the Learning Manager tool, and access the Configuration section by clicking on the gear wheel in the upper right corner.

A side menu is displayed, and among the different sections located at the top center, look for the Carousels section. Clicking on the tab displays the list of available Carousels, the default ones and the ones we have created. To learn more about the types of Carousels see this article.

Above the list we see a message automatically updated which tells us how many Carousels we can create.
You can create up to ten carousels,, in addition to the default ones.
To do this we click on the + button in the lower right corner, which displays a new side menu.

The New Carousel menu consists of two fields:
Title at the top, where you can name the Carousel.
- And below it, a list of all the Languages available on the platform, to add the translation for the title of the Carousel. Clicking on the flag on the left will display a new field to enter it.
Each entry in the list has four items:

- On the left is a grid of points that allows us to change the order in which the Carousels will be displayed.Keeping the mouse button pressed you can move a Carousel and change its position in the list.
It is only possible to change the order of the Carousels you have created, not the default ones.
- Next there is a box with a flag, which can be checked or unchecked to make the Carousel visible or not. If we uncheck the flag, students will no longer see the Carousel in their training, although it already exists.
- In the central part is the name we have assigned to the Carousel, which can be changed at any time.
It is not possible to rename the Carousels by default.
- On the right side there are three points on which we will click to display a menu to have access to the options and edit the Carousel Details , the title and translations; or Delete the Carousel.
How to assign content to Carousels
Once we have created and organized our list of Carousels, to assign the Sprints to them we will simply use the Trainings tool.
Channels cannot be assigned to Carousels. This option is only available for Sprints, since the new carousels that you can create only apply to Sprints. The only carousels that apply to channels are "Channels" and "Channels Recommended" (by default), which work automatically.

When creating a new Training, or editing the details of an existing one, we will see a field called Carousel. Clicking on it will display a list with all available Carousels. To assign content to them, mark the respective flag and press the √ Save button.
Each Sprint can be assigned as many Carousels as you want, but only those you have created. Carousels by default cannot be assigned as they work automatically. To find out how, see the related article.
You can modify the contents assigned to a Carousel at any time, even if the Training is open and students are suscribed.
If you have any questions about Carousels- manegement, we recommend you to check the articles on Summoning Behavior, and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).