Types of Carousels
In the main article on Creating and Editing of Carousels we saw that in addition to the new ones we create, there are Carousels by default always present in the platform, that work automatically, organizing the contents according to their status. Let's see what they are and how they work.
How Carousels by default work
When accessing the Carousels section, within the Configuration of The Learning Manager, there is a list of existing Carousels.

The Carousels in bold are the one you created, that are fully editable (name, position, delete). The gray Carousels are the ones the platform creates by default, which can not be modified. They are as follows:
Featured: only for Sprints, this carousel is highlighted on the Home page of the formation. It is used for content we want to highlight in a significant way, make it visible to the student. To put a Sprint in this Carousel, check the Featured flag when creating or editing the Training.

The selected Training will be displayed in the Featured Carousel whether it is Open (has already started) or Planned (later start date). If planned, the thumbnail will show the remaining days to start.
My learning: only for Sprints, this Carousel shows the training the student is currently taking. If the student has been summoned mandatory, it will be marked in a small banner inside the thumbnail.
My Lectures: only for Events, this Carousel shows the events to which the student is currently suscribed.
My Events: only for Events, this Carousel shows the Events and Stages the student has pending.
Channels: only for Channels, this Carousel shows the Channels to which the student is currently enrolled and have already been started.
Channels whose Training is Planned, that have a later start date, will not appear in this Carousel until the date is fullfilled.
Channels recommended: only for Channels, this Carousel shows the Channels to which the student has been summoned with Free Enrollment. As soon as the student actually enrolls in the channel, it will disappear from this Carousel and move on to the Channels carousel.
Channels whose Training is Planned, that have a later start date, will not appear in this Carousel until the date is fullfilled.
Recommendations For You: only for Sprints, this Carousel shows the Sprints to which the student has been summoned with Free Enrollment. As soon as the student actually enrolls in the Sprint, it will disappear from this Carousel and move on to My Learning carousel.
Coming soon: only for Sprints, this Carousel shows the Planned trainings, the ones the student has been enrolled but have a later Start date . The thumbnail will show the remaining days to start. When the Start Date arrives, the Sprint will disappear from this Carousel and move on to My Learning or Recommended for you carousel, depending on whether the training is free or mandatory.
Completed: only for Sprints, this Carousel shows the trainings that the student has completed. It also includes all the trainings that have reached their End date, even if the student has not completed the training on time. When this date arrives, they disappear from My Learning carousel, although they will still appear in Featuredif they have been marked as such.