Users and Organizations
In this post we will see step by step how to take advantage of the functionality of Multi-organization to create the Users and Organizations that will be part of our corporation, and among which we will distribute the training contents. To achieve this, we will use the Configuration tool which can be found on the Home Screen.
Remember that to use the Configuration tool and create your Organizations and Subgroups structure, you must access the instance with a General Administrator role.
If we look at its interface, in the menu of sections located on the left we will find the first two, which will be the ones we will use for these first steps:
Users: for the creation and configuration of all profiles (administrators, authors and students) that will integrate our organizations.
Groups: for the creation of the different organizations and subgroups that will be integrated within our instance.
By accessing the Users section, we are presented with an overview of all existing users. At the top left of this list is the + Add user button, which we will use to generate a new profile.
After clicking on it, a pop-up window will appear with the User tab, where you can enter the data of the new profile.

In this case, the fields in the User Access section, towards the end of the tab, are of special importance. This is where we will configure the user access that each profile will have.

It is important to remember that, in addition to the user acces in LMS, we will have to assign another mandatory access in Global Admin. And for a user to be able to perform the tasks of Group Administrator in LMS it is necessary that he also has the Group Administrator access in Global Admin.
The configuration in each case would look like this:
User access
Global Admin
Group Administrator
Group Administrator
Group Administrator
Once the first users have been created, we go to the Groups section to generate the different organizations that will integrate our instance.
Later new Users can be added to the Organizations, it is not necessary to have them all in this first step.
Organizations are first level groups, in no case can we can turn a subgroup into an organization, even if it is integrated within one.
As in the previous section, here we will find an overview of all existing groups/organizations. It should be noted that next to the name of each one we will see three columns that will indicate:
- The number of Subgroups they have
- The number of Registered Users in each
Whether the group is an Organization or not. This column is important to quickly see if the feature is turned on.
When you click on the + New Group button, a pop-up window will appear with the Group Tab, where you can enter the configuration data. Two fields are particulary important when creating an organization:
It is an organization: the flag that appears at the beginning of the tab, we must mark it as active (On) if we want the group to have access to all the Organization features. If we forget to do this when creating the group, it is not necessary to generate it again.
The Organization function can be activated and deactivated at any time, without losing the content catalogs that we have been created. To do this we must find the group in the tool and click on it to enter its Profile Page. Within it we will see several tabs in the central part, we will go to the Details tab. And we will click on the Edit Details button to access the Group Tab, and be able to modify the flag.

Group administrators: this field will show a drop-down with all the existing users in the instance that have the Group Administrator access. It is here where we can select the ones we want to be in charge of the administration tasks of each group. It can be one or several, and like the previous feature, you can modify as many times as you want and add or delete users.

We can create as many organizations as we want in our instance, and within it other Subgroups. Once generated, we will have to add the users, Authors and Students, who we want to be part of it.
The same user can belong to different organizations.
It is not necessary to add Group Administrators, because we have already assigned them as part of the organization in the corresponding field of the Group Tab.
Creating an organization will allow us to:
- assign it to the Content Catalogs that we want.
- associate it with new Trainings, and register its members in them.
- access the Reports of its members.