Once we have created our structure with the different Organizations and users that integrate them (Administrators, Authors and Students), we can manage the educational contents by accessing the LMS tool. And use the new feature to create Catalogs to distribute and share that content across the organizations.
Create a Catalog
Navigating through the LMS, at the top right next to the User Profile and Quick Access, we find the Settings icon, represented by a gear wheel. Clicking on it brings up a side pop-up window with different sections along a series of tabs. By clicking on the Catalogs tab, we will access the section where we can create and configure these.
At first glance we have the list of existing catalogs. As well as two columns that indicate the Companies and Authors assigned to them, as we will see in the following sections. And three points that display the menu with the options to edit each of them.
To create a new Catalog, click on the button with the symbol + at the bottom right. A pop-up window will appear where we will simply have to enter the title it will have. Clicking on the button √ Save will automatically create it and it will appear in the list.

We can create as many catalogs as we want, and once generated we can assign Authors and Companies (organizations) through the three dots menu. We can also edit them (rename) or delete them. Creating a catalog will allow us to:
- assign it to the Sprints and Channels we want.
- share the educational content between Authors and Group Administrators.
An Author you can only assign Sprints to the catalogs of which he is member, and share content with the Authors and Group Administrators of his organization.
That doesn't prevent him from publishing content for users of organizations other than his own. Organizations and Catalogues are not mutually exclusive, but transversal. If we create a catalog assigned to several organizations, its Authors will be able to send content to Students of other organizations different from his, since he has this link (catalog) in common.
Assign Authors to a Catalog
Once we have created our catalog, we can search for it in the list and click on the three dots to configure it. The first of the available options is Manage Authors. Through this tool we can select the users who can create content for this catalog, that is, the Authors who can tag their Sprints as part of it.
Clicking on this option displays another side menu in which we can consult a list with all the Authors already assigned to this Catalog. And at the bottom right we find the + button that will allow us to add new users.

Clicking on it overlays another side menu with the list of all the Authors that are in the instance and that have not yet been assigned to this catalog. Simply select them and click on the √ Add button at the top right of the menu.
You can add or remove Authors at any time, even if you already have published the Sprint or Channel. This simply allow authors to assign their Sprints to the catalogue.
It is not necessary for the authors to belong to any specific organization, organizations and catalogs are transversal. The only requirement is that they have the author access in the LMS section of their profile.
Assign Organizations to a Catalog
In the same way that we assign authors, we can add the organizations we want to the new Catalog, with a similar interface. Clicking on the three dots menu, we will see the Manage companies option, which will take us to a new side window with the list of companies already assigned to that catalog. Simply click on the + button in the lower right corner to access another side menu with a list of all the organizations we have created for the instance.

Add the one you want by marking the flag and clicking on the √ Add button in the upper right corner.
Like we did with authors, you can add and remove to a catalog the organizations you want, even if they have already published content.
Exclude Authors and Organizations, and delete a Catalog
The reverse process of excluding authors and organizations is also similar. Clicking on the three dots menu in the catalog select the option we want, Manage authors or Manage companies. Once in the list, select the user or group we want by checking the flag on the left, and click on the Exclude button at the bottom right.
Deleting an Autor does not mean removing its contents from the catalog. They will remain there, the creator will simply not be able to assign the Catalog to his new Sprints. As for the Sprints he created for the organization he was excluded from, he will still have access and edit permissions on them, as well as assign them to other catalogs in which he is registered.
Excluding an Organization of a Catalog will affect the access that users have to its content, including Group Administrators, Authors , and Students. It means removing access to the group's members to that content, except for its own creators.