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Modified on: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 7:19 PM
In this article we will see in detail the different tools for edting Events available in LMS Learning Manager, and how the Multi-organization function affects the actions we can perform.

The Events section allows creating and managing virtual and face-to-face sessions for students within the LMS platform. Its creation and edition is limited to the Author profiles, Group Administrators will only be able to view the list of created events.

  • Create an Event: any Author you can create a new Event, using the + button in the lower right corner of the screen.

  • Check an Eventany Author will be able to view the content of an Event by clicking on its thumbnail, even if he is not the creator of the event.

  • Edit an Eventany Author will be able to view the content of an Event by clicking on its thumbnail, even if he is not its creator.

  • Publish an Eventany Author will be able to publish an Event, even if he is not the creator, by clicking on the three dots and through the option in the drop-down menu.

  • Unpublish an Eventany Author may unpublish an Event, even if he is not the creator, by clicking on the three dots and through the option in the drop-down menu.

  • Delete an Event: Any Author you can delete an Event, even if he is not the creator, by clicking on the three dots and through the option in the drop-down menu. As long as it is not Published, in that case you must unpublish it before.
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