Manage Trainings
In this article we will see in detail the different tools for editing Trainings that we have in the LMS Training Management, and how the Multi-organization function affects the actions we can perform.
The Trainings section allows us to create new editions of Sprints or Channels, this means to summon the students to the completion of these learning units. Each new Training must be assigned to a Sprint or Channel already created and published, although the same Sprint or Channel can have several differentTrainings . The task of creating and editing the Trainings belongs exclusively to the Group Administrators, so this section is not visible when working with an Author profile.
Update: as of the release of the new version 5.33 (May 27th, 2023) new types of Trainings have been added. For more information, please check this article.
Create a Training: any Group Administrator can create a new Training, as long as it is assigned to a Sprint or Channel previously created and published by an Author. To do so, look for it in the Sprints section or the Channels section, click on the three dots to drop down the menu, and select the New Trainingoption.
When making a new Training it is important to know that:
- When creating it, you must specify the Organization it will be addressed to.
- You can only create a training for a Sprint or Channel that is included in a Catalog associated to one of the organizations that the user manages. And only summoun members of some of the groups or organizations you are managing.
- You can only create Trainings for Channels that have Sprints assigned to them. You cannot summon students to Channels that do not yet have content.
- Only one Organization can be selected at each Training, we can only summon students from the same Organization.
- Once the Training is created, the Organization to which it was assigned cannot be modified.
Edit a Training: a Group Administratorcan access and edit the details of a Training as long as it was created by him. As for the trainings created by other administrators belonging to our Organization, only the students who have been summoun can be viewed and edited.
When a Group Administrator creates a new Training associated to an Organization, other administrators of that organization will not be able to see it until a user is summouned. As long as the list of users remains empty, it will only be visible to its creator.
Summon Students to a Training: once a Training is created, a Group Administrator can summon students and groups as many times as he wants. Including trainings created by other Group Administrators in the Organization. Only students or users who belong to the Organization it was assigned to, can be summoned.
Delete a Training: a Group Administratorcan delete anyTraining that he has previously created, even if it is in progress by the Students.
A Channel can also be deleted even if it has open Trainings. However, you cannot delete a Sprint that has open Trainings.