Global Admin allows us to create announcements to keep users abreast of the latest news.

What we can do from this tab?
- Create an announcement
- Edit an announcement
- Publish, depublish and delete an announcement
Create an announcement
To create an announcement:
- Go to the "Announcements" tab.
- Click on "Create Announcement".
- Fill in the fields in the new window (fields marked with an asterisk are required):
Title. Announcement headline.
Summary. Short announcement description.
Content. Announcement body.
Image. Select an image for the announcement from your computer or drag it into the box.
Status. Select "ON" so that the announcement is displayed as highlighted, otherwise, select "OFF".
Published. Select "ON" to publish the announcement. When you do it, "Initial visible date" and "End visible date" will be enabled, so you can set the period of visibility for your announcement. If you do not want the announcement to be visible, select "OFF".
- Press "Create".

Edit announcement

These are the steps to edit an announcement:
- Go to the "Announcements" tab.
- From the announcements list, click on the announcement title you want to edit.
- On the screen "Details", click on "Edit".
- Make the appropriate changes and press "Save".
Publish, depublish and delete announcements
We can access these actions in two ways:
- From the screen "Announcements".

- From announcement "Details" (by clicking on the title of an announcement in the list).

Actions are:
"Publish". This action allows an announcement to be published. The announcement will be visible to users.
"Depublish". This action allows an announcement to be depublished. The announcement will not be longer visible to users.
"Delete". This option allows you to delete an announcement.
If you want to massively publish, depublish or delete announcements, then select in the screen "Announcements" those on which you want to apply any changes. Once selected, click on one of the actions.