In the import section, you can import and update users from a CSV file. In addition to viewing a list of users, you can also view the history of user updates completed from CSV files.
Importing Users
This option allows you to import a CSV file to create and update GlobalAdmin users.
Step 1. After clicking the button to Import Users, the Import Wizard screen is displayed. You can download a blank CSV template or export a CSV list of users. This will be used to create the CSV file to import. Then drag or select the file to import and click Continue.
The welcomeMail field allows to send a welcome mail to the imported users. See Appendix A.2. for the CSV import format and what each field represents.
Step 2. The wizard will validate the CSV file and generate a list of all errors found. The type of separator and CSV file encoding can be corrected if the wizard does not correctly interpret the values. Once the file has been validated, click Begin Syncto import.
Step 3. After the sync process begins, the data included in the CSV file (additions and modifications to users) will be distributed to different LC6 applications. You can click Continue Running Process if you would prefer for the process to continue in the background as you carry out other activities.
Once the process is finished (which can take several minutes depending on the volume of data), the results of the sync process can be viewed.
Update users in Pack LMS
Once users have been created in GlobalAdmin, you will be able to update them in Pack LMS. Thus, you will be able to add the additional information, specific of each formal training application. For example, you can introduce information of the company (Position, Department, Company) or Pack LMS extensible fields.
- Access to Pack LMS administration, select “Users”> “Export” for obtaining a template for the updating:
- Once the template is downloaded, you will see all the users registered in Pack LMS. In the Excel, you should delete those users you do not want to update and fill or modify.
Whith the updated Excel, we should take the following steps:
- Go to the Users option in Pack LMS.
- Select Update users.
- Add the Excel file we have created and click on Update users
- A notification with the result will arrive. In case an error occurs, it will be indicated both the error line and type.