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Components | Simple activity

Modified on: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 7:16 PM

"Simple activity" component allows to create questions having simple answers. These can be placed along the contents of a page and be answered by students to train themselves. Moreover, you can decide whether the activity blocks reading, which means students must answer or provide a correct answer before continuing.
You will find this component in the group of components called "Others".

Setup process

In order to configure an activity including simple answers, follow these steps:

1. Select the activity, access the "Properties" tab and configure all the properties you find appropriate (read the list of properties located at the bottom of this page).

2. Insert a title (if you need) and ask a question.

3. You can add several answer options if you want. You just need to select the activity and, within the "Add" tab, click on "Option".  

4. Select the right answer and mark it as correct within the "Properties" tab.

5. Navigate until the bottom area of the activity and write one text for positive feedback and another text for negative feedback.

Simple activity properties



Show title

It allows to show or hide the title located above a question.

Positive feedback icon
Negative feedback icon

This property allows to replace icons or images used for positive and negative feedback.

Lock type

It allows to decide if activities can interrupt reading and how this action can be unlocked:

  • Unlocked when providing a correct answer: Students can keep reading the page after providing a right answer.
  • Unlocked when providing an answer: Students can keep reading the page as soon as they answer the question (no need to pass it).
  • Do not unlock: Questions do not block reading, so students can keep reading without interacting with these questions.
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