Pages are the minimum structure of any unit. Within a page, different content may be housed. And a unit can have as many pages as necessary, as the structure of the theme allows.
Each author license allows different actions to be performed with the pages:
Easy license:
- Create pages
- Open pages in a new tab
- Move pages in position
- Rename pages
- Duplicate pages
- Delete pages
- Exclude from navigation
- View pages in list or grid mode.
- Define navigation between pages
- Modify page properties
- Set completion requirements
- Add events to the page
Professional license: can do the same as easy license.
Create pages
Go to the page management menu and click on the + button.

You can create blank pages or choose from pre-designed pages in the theme.

Open pages in a new tab
From the page management panel, you can open any of them in a new browser window by clicking on the thumbnail while pressing the Ctrl button on the keyboard at the same time.

Move pages in position
To reorder pages, simply select and drag the page.

Rename pages
To customise the name of the pages, open their context menu and select the "Rename" option. Remember that the name you assign to the pages will be the name displayed in the unit's contents menu.

Duplicate pages
To create a copy of a page, open its context menu and select the "Duplicate" option.

Delete pages
To delete a page from the drive, open its context menu and select the "Delete" option.

Exclude from navitagion
If you want to create a unit that does not have sequential navigation, for example in a branching decision path, you can remove one or more pages from the sequential navigation.
In that case, the only way to access and/or exit them will be with specific buttons or links added to the page.
To exclude a page from the navigation, open its context menu and select the option "Exclude from the navigation".

Pages excluded from navigation will appear at the bottom of the page list, in the "free pages" block.

View pages in list or grid mode
In the page management menu, by default, you will see the list of pages in thumbnail mode. If you prefer, you can view the pages in list mode by clicking on this option:

Define navigation between pages
From the page management menu, you can define whether navigation between pages should be free or sequential.
Remember that:
- Free navigation will allow students to move freely through the unit using the navigation menu.
Sequential navigation will require that, in order to move forward, the objectives defined for completing each page (visit the page, scroll to the end...) and for the elements inside the page (e.g. complete a video, etc.) must be completed.

Modify page properties
To configure the properties of a page, you must have it selected. There are two ways to do this:
- When you open a page, by default it is already selected.
Using the breadcrumb trail. It will be the first item in the list in the breadcrumb trail.

The properties you can set on a page are:
- Its title.
- Its identifier. This is an autogenerated data by the system but you can customise it. If you customise it you will help the trace that the unit sends to the platform to be clearer (it is not the same for the content to send to the platform "student1 interacted 29cb85cfg44" than to send, for example, "student1 interacted page1"). Remember that the Identifiers must be different, you cannot repeat any identifier of any element within the unit, so you must be careful when modifying them and not repeat them.
- Set the completion requirements. See below how to set them.
Add events. See below how to set them.

Set completion requirements
For a unit to be considered complete, learners must complete a series of "tasks" called objectives.
As the author you can decide to specify generic objectives for the whole unit in the unit settings area, or you can define these objectives in more detail, element by element.
For example, for pages you may decide:
- Not a target. The page is not a target of the unit. If you do not visit it, it will not be taken into account in the unit's completeness calculation.
- Visit the pages. It will be necessary to visit/enter the page.
- Reach the bottom of the page. It is not enough to visit the page, but it will be necessary to scroll to the end of the page.
As configured at unit level. This option "delegates" the decision whether it is a goal or not to the general unit configuration.

Add events to the page
Events are automated actions that we want to happen after a specific trigger.
To add an event to a page, you must have it selected. There are two ways to do this:
- When you open a page, by default it is already selected.
- Using the breadcrumb trail. It will be the first item in the list in the breadcrumb trail.
On a page you can add an event by selecting the "Add event" option in the "Properties" tab.
You have two triggers:
When the user gets to the end of the page.

- Completion requirements have been met, that is, when the elements marked as objectives are finalized. .
And these events can open a popup or a notification.
Remember that, after configuring the event, you must press the "SAVE" button.

Once the page is configured, you can edit its content (texts, images, videos...) and add new sections if necessary.