Activities - Relate
Relate questions allow you to associate a number of sources with their destinations.
Easy License:
- Configure activity properties
- Configure activity responses
Professional License
- Modify the width of the columns.
- Modify the visibility of the activity.
Configure activity properties
After adding an activity to a questionnaire, click on the activity and you will see that two new buttons are activated in the upper area.
The first button provides access to activity properties.
Among the properties you can configure are:
- Title. It will be useful to customize it to recognize the activity from the path of crumbs.
- Identifier. This is a self-generated data by the system, but you can customize it. If you customize it, you will help make the trace that the unit sends to the platform clearer (it is not the same that the content sends to the platform that "student1 answered 29cb85cfg44" than sending, for example, that "student1 answered activity1"). Remember that the Identifiers must be different, you cannot repeat any identifier of any element within the unit, so you must be careful when modifying them and not repeat them.
- Statement of the activity. This data will be sent to the training platform and used for report extraction. By default, the statement you wrote in the question will be used as the title, but you can always customize it. Imagine that the question statement is an image. In that case, you must establish the statement of the question here.
- Activity points. This allows you to change the weight or value of the question with respect to others. By default, all questions are worth 100, so they are all worth the same. But you could customize this value in all of them to make some award more points than others. This is only useful if you use the "Activity Points" grade calculation method.
- Percentage of success. It allows you to define what is the minimum percentage of success required to pass the activity. If you have 6 possible relationships and you mark 50%, the student will only need to guess 3 of them to count the activity as passed.
Events. Events are automated actions that you want to occur after a specific trigger. Select the questionnaire and click the "Add event" option. You can choose between 2 triggers:
- When the activity is exceeded.
- When the activity is not exceeded.
When that trigger is executed, the actions that can happen are:
- A pop-up window is displayed.
- A notification is displayed.
Remember that, after configuring the event, you must press the "SAVE" button.
Configure activity responses
Click on the activity and you will see that in the upper area two new buttons are activated.
Click on the third and you will access the configuration area of the activity responses.
In the "Answers" area you can:
- Add new origins and destinations. In this case, you can add new options according to the templates provided in the theme.
- Duplicate an existing option.
- Delete an existing option.
Remember: the title of the options will be the text you write in the option.
After adding all the options, you must now relate each source to its destinations.
In the menu of each source, click "Edit" and choose one or more destinations.
Modify the width of columns
Using the Professional author license you can modify the width of the columns to make the destinations or sources wider.
Once you access the properties of the answers, in the "Columns" tab, you can define:
- The separation space between columns. Any CSS unit of measurement (px, em, vh, %, etc.) can be used.
- The width of each column, defined in "fr". More info about this unit of measure here.
Modify the visibility of the activity
By clicking "Add condition" in the properties area, you can decide which object/component will be used as a referent and then you can decide the trigger that will make the text visible. Depending on the object you choose, you will have different triggers. For example, you could make an activity visible when the learner passes a previous activity, or after clicking on a previous video or audio...