Create a new project
A Author is a space in which group content on the same topic and that will be managed by a project manager, responsible for facilitating access permissions for other users (authors, reviewers...) and organize their content.
For the creation of a new project should situate ourselves in the 'Projects' section and click the icon "+" which is located in the lower right corner.

We can then enter specific data for the project.
- Add an image.
- Name of project.
- Description.
- Tags. To add a label just to write the text and press the ENTER key.

Add an image
Once you press on the icon, you can insert a custom image by dragging it from our PC or add a generic image gallery online.

Once you select the desired image, driving your zoom or placing the image in the correct position that we want to that he is displayed can be edited. After obtaining the expected result, we must save the changes press the "SAVE"button.

A project options
Once created the project we can make various additional actions through the Options menu in the upper right corner of the card of the project.
Edit. Pallows access the basic data of the project to change its name, image, description, and tags.
Archive. The project would go to the archived projects section. To be filed, it is possible to restore it or delete it permanently. (See here to know more).
Delete. Remember: Delete contents is permanent. If you delete, will be cleared automatically the project and all of its contents, unless you can recover it.
Manage permissions. It allows access to define which users can access the project and with specific permissions. (See here to know more).