Authoring units: Manage versions of a unit
Versions of a unit of authoring the backups that are automatically generated whenever we make a change in the unit.
The versions are generated when we enter the Author editor, make a change and unlock the unit (see here how to lock and unlock a unit).
To manage versions of a unit of authoring, must double click on the drive, which leads to the main panel. From here, click on the last version.
To enter, you will find a list of versions that have been created so far, indicating the version number, creation date, and its author.
In each version, we can click on the options menu and perform the following actions:
Publish this version of the unit. It observes that that publication will have only the contents and resources which were added at that time.
Preview version of the unit. Helps us to know in what State was the unit in that version and thus decisions about it (publish it, add a tag, restore...).
Restore the version. You can "activate" this version of the unit and to work from it.
Tag version. It allows adding a tag that will help us to differentiate the version of others. For example, with tags, we can identify if it's the final version, or if it is a version ready for review...