How to report an Issue
Modified on: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 10:12 AMIssue reports are the main tool you have to communicate to Support any issue, system crash or unexpected behavior you may suffer, that needs technical assistance. In this article you will see the steps to follow to be able to communicate it.
Although it is possible to contact Support directly by e-mail (, the easiest and direct way to report an issue is through the existing online form. To access it Para acceder a él, first you must access the Customer Success Center and click on the Login option at the top right to identify yourself with your account.
In the Sign in page insert your Email and Password. In case you are a Netex internal employee, use the NETEX LOGIN button.
Create a Ticket
The next step is to create a Ticket, which is the report you will send to Support to notify them of your problem, so that they can start the help process. There are two ways to access the form:
- From the Home page, click on the Report an Issue button located in the central part.
- From any other page, click on the + New button at the top and select the option Report an Issue.
Fill in the Form
This is the Report an Issue page where you can fill in the form to open a ticket.
Depending on the type of issue you will be asked to fill in different fields, those marked with a red asterisk are mandatory:
- Subject: give a brief and concise description of the issue, one or two sentences that make the ticket easily recognizable. Once you fill it in, some helpful support articles may be displayed on the right side of the page.
NTX - Initial selection: select the type of issue you want to report:
- System is down.
- Something went wrong.
- Not in this list, Other reason.
Incident Source, in case of system crash, identify the source of the problem:
- System update message.
- Login not available.
- User or pass not working.
- Service unavaliable.
- Affected URL.
- Affected Username/s.
- Affected Sprint / Channel / Course / Unit / Project / Template.
- NTX - System OS / Version.
Web Browser / Version.
Date since incident is present, for log research.
Impact: how this issue stops your daily operation, on a scale of low, medium or high.
Description: make a more extensive description of the issue, detailing all the steps you followed; how it affects the user experience; and the origin of the problem, if you know it. You can also Attach a file, like a screenshot, that help to better understand the issue.
Requester: insert the email address we will use to contact you. If you want to add someone else to the conversation, please use the button Add CC.
Please try to be as concise and descriptive as possible when composing your message. Remember to provide as much information as possible and do not hesitate to attach any files that can help the Support technicians to understand and resolve the ticket in the easiest way. 🙂
To submit the ticket to Support, click the Submit button at the bottom right.
Check the Tickets
Once the ticket has been opened, you can follow up on its status and related information, both for tickets in process and those that have been previously closed. There are two ways to do this.
On the Home page, at the bottom you will see a section called Open Tickets. This shows only tickets that are currently in process.
If you want to access a detailed list of all tickets opened in the past, click on the three-dashed icon at the top to access the main menu, and select the Tickets section.
Open tickets
On the main page, clicking on any of the entries in the Open tickets list takes you to the ticket information page (if you click on View all you will go directly to the Tickets page):
Here in addition to the basic ticket information (subject, date , status...) you can see three sections:
- At the center you can see the list of Resplies of the ticket, all the messages that have been exchanged between the user who opened the ticket, those who are following it, and the agents in charge of resolving it. Here you can contact them by typing in the text box at the bottom and clicking the Send button.
- On the right side you can see the advanced ticket information, related to the fields you filled in when you opened the ticket. Here you can change that information, clicking on the Update button to save the changes.
- At the top right there are three other action buttons:
- Reply, to go to the text box and send a new Reply.
- Mark ticket as closed, to close the incident if you think it has been resolved.
Share, to make it possible for other users to view and follow the ticket in the same way as you.
Clicking on this button a new window appears where you can add other users through two options:- Add people: the user will be able to access the ticket from his Support page and add reply Notes. A single email is sent to him notifying that he has been added to the ticket, he will not receive the ticket status updates. If you also want him to receive these notifications by email, you must check the flag Also send Email notifications.
- Add as a Ticket watcher: making a user a Watcher he will receive email notifications every time there are updates, with the ticket link to add comments. But he will only be able to access through that link, the ticket will not appear in his portal.
To add a user to the ticket, enter his e-mail address. The user must be registered in the Support portal and verified by email, it is not possible to add email addresses that do not belong to the platform.
This action cannot be undone, once a user is added to the ticket, it cannot be deleted.
Tickets Page
There are three tools for filtering the list results:
Status: you can select All Tickets; those currently Open or Pending; those Resolved or Closed; and those Shared with Me (added CC on the Requester field of the form).
- Sort by: to change the order of the list: by the Date it was Created; Last time it was Modified; and its current Status. They can be sorted Descending (most recent) or Ascending (oldest).
- Created by: displays only tickets created by Me; by any Organization I belong; or All tickets without filtering.
- You can also use the Search box to search through all tickets. If you know the ticket number, enter it here.
Each entry in the list shows basic information about the ticket:
- Subject, in bold.
- Ticket number, next to it (starting with #INC)
- Date of creation.
- If it was created via web Portal, Phone or Email.
- Status in the colored box on the right side.
In the right corner there is an option Export tickets that allows you to download a text file with the list of tickets displayed. In the pop-up window select:
- Export as: file format.
- Filter tickets by: date range.
- Select Fields to Export: information fields included.