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Components | Header

Modified on: Wed, 3 May 2023 1:03 PM

A header is a component that will allow you to create very attractive titles for screens in a very simple way.

To create this component, simply add it on the screen and configure its properties:

Side icon (128px width) Decide which image will accompany the header title in the left side of the component. A maximum width of 128 px is recommended.
Background image Background image of the header.
Repeat background image Lets you decide whether or not the image repeats (to create patterns).
Background color Background color of the header.
Background transparent  Lets you decide whether the header background is transparent or not.
Width  It offers three width options:
  • Adjusted to content. The header will have the width of the contents that there is the central column.
  • Adjusted to rail.  The header will have the total width of the center column.
  • Full width. It will occupy the full width of the screen.
Show title Show or hide header title
Show subtitle Show or hide the subtitle of the header
Title left Margin (px) Allows you to customize the separation of the left margin of the title.
Subtitule left margin (px) Allows you to customize the separation of the left margin of the subtitle.
Icon left margin px) Allows you to customize the separation of the left margin of the icon.
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