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Components | Glossary

Modified on: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 3:43 PM

A "Glossary" is a pop-up element where keywords related to a course are included. It is an element that can be added within a screen, but we recommend adding it within a pop-up.
You will find this component in the group of "Structure" components.

Setup process

We can follow one of these methods to create a glossary:

  • Manual creation
  • Automatic creation importing a csv file
  • Link a complete glossary or one of its terms

Methods cannot be combined, so we must choose one of them.

Manual creation

This method requires adding terms one by one. This is an advantage because:

  • We can add images to terms.
  • We can create a direct link to a glossary term in the content.

1. We access to the "Properties" tab. Then we can configure:

  • View. We can choose two different types of glossary: "Advanced glossary" and "Basic glossary". The "Advanced glossary" is a good option when there are many terms; it makes term organisation easier because terms are shown in alphabetic order.
  • Order of the glossary elements. Here we can decide how we want to order terms (by insertion order, descending order (A to Z) or ascending order (Z to A)

2. We enter the "Add" tab and include the "Glossary items" we need.

3. We select each "Glossary item" and access the "Properties" tab. Here we can include a key "Term identification" chosen from the glossary. This will allow us to link this term with a word included in the contents. We should remember to include this text, as we will use it whenever we want to create a direct link to the term included in the glossary.

4. Notice that each "Glossary item" consists of:

  • A term, which is a title.
  • A content area including a sample text by default.

So, we should do the following:
a. Edit the "Term" text (that is, the title of the glossary item)
b. Go to "Description" and write the text we want to add.
c. Select the "Description", access the "Add" tab and, if appropriate, we can add an "Image".

Automatic creation importing a csv file

This method is faster than the previous one but has some disadvantages:

  • We cannot add images to terms.
  • We cannot create a direct link to a glossary term.
  • You cant modify the glossary before you import it. You need to create a new csv with the changes and import it.

1. We access to the "Properties" tab. Then we can configure:

  • View. We can choose two different types of glossary: "Advanced glossary" and "Basic glossary". The "Advanced glossary" is a good option when there are many terms; it makes term organisation easier, as terms are shown in alphabetic order.
  • Order of the glossary elements. Here we can decide how we want to order terms (by insertion order, descending order (A to Z) or ascending order (Z to A)

2. Go to the "Import glossary" property, click on "Examine" to find and associate the .csv file from the unit Resources folder (see here).

5. When adding the .csv file, a pop-up alert appears to inform that this action will remove other terms that were manually added to the glossary. After clicking on "OK", glossary terms will be added to the .csv file

Link a complete glossary or one of its terms

After creating a glossary, you can link it to various places (the whole glossary or only some terms).

  • Link the glossary to the top Toolbar of a unit. Check how to do this in here
  • Link the glossary to an image. In this case, you will be able to link the pop-up glossary. Check how to link a pop-up to an image  here
  • Link the glossary to a piece of text. In this case, you can choose a specific word from the glossary and show it in two different ways:
    • A. Glossary link. We can open a glossary and apply filters to it so that only one word is shown.
    • B. Glossary tooltip. We can make the term show as a tooltip window.

In order to configure these modes, we should do the following:

  • A. Glossary link. Select the text that will be linked, open the "links" drop-down menu, and select "Glossary link". Then we should click again on the word, go to the "Properties" tab, choose the Term identification key that we want to show (see step 6).
  • B. Glossary tooltip. Select the text that will be linked, open the "links" drop-down menu, and select "Glossary tooltip". Then we should click again on the word, go to the "Properties" tab, choose the "Term" property and select the word that we would like to show.

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