Initial setup | Numeration type
This template allows choosing how we want to manage section numbering. These are the steps:
1. Click on the upper Interface of the unit.
2. Access the "Properties" tab.
Within the "Numeration type" property, we can select two options:
Automatic: numeration of sections will be generated automatically (from 0 to n). This is the perfect option if we are planning to use our units with the SmartClassroom solution. This way, whenever the teacher modifies section order or adds a new section, numeration will be updated automatically.
Manual: in this case we will insert page/section numeration manually. When choosing this option, we need to insert numeration for each page using the "Index number" included in the properties tab of every page (See here). We can put numbers or letters, as appropriate. We do not recommend using this setting option if the unit is used with the SmartClassroom solution.