Activities | Multiple response
"Multiple choice" activities allow students to choose various answer options.
This type of activity is divided in three areas:
A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added as well.
B. Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents.

Setup process
- Step 1. Set up activity properties
- Step 2. Set up the wording
- Step 3. Set up answer options
- Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options
- Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Step 1. Set up activity properties
After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them:
Activity title.
Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default.
Score obtained in Multiple choice activities is calculated with the following formula: number of right options / total number of available options.
We understand that the number of correct options corresponds to options that should be marked, but also those that should not be marked.
So, this means each option represents a percentage of the total score. For example, an activity consists of 10 options whose value is 10%, 5 options are correct, and 5 options are wrong. Students mark 5 correct answers, so they get a 50%; they do not mark the rest of wrong options, so they get also a 50%.
What happens if students mark an incorrect option? They get a 90%: there are 5 correct options (50%), 1 wrong option, and 4 unmarked options (40%). In conclusion, total score is 50%+40%, because unmarked options are not penalised.
Answer options reorder with each attempt.
Number of attempts available for students to find the right option. Once a student finds the right answer, attempts will expire automatically. If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity).
This property allows choosing what skills or academic goals are achieved after completing this activity. This option is useful when the platform used to publish a unit keeps record of these data.
Step 2. Set up the wording
1. Write the text for the question.
2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it in the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need.

Step 3. Set up answer options
3. Write the text for the answer options
4. Optionally, the text included in the option can be replaced by an image. Select the option, go to the "Add" tab and add an "Image". Then you will be able to delete the text and leave only the image.
5. If needed, you can add more answer options. Select an option, go to the "Add" tab, "Insert after", and select "Option".
6. After configuring all the options, choose the correct option. Select the right option, access the "Properties" tab and select "True" within the field called "Correct".

Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options
Optionally, we can format answer options to locate them in screens and columns. This way, the options consist of three specific properties:
Check position
This property is used to choose the position of the check associated with an option: on the right or left of the text/image.
The answer option works like a column, so it occupies 12 spaces in the screen by default (that is, 100% of available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by answer options (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc.
This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the option (1-12 spaces).

It's the last column
This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, and the third column will appear as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row.
Combining these properties allows creating layouts such as:

Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns".
Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc.

Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column" (as mentioned in Step 2).

Use of columns allows creating complex layouts like the following: