Trainer role
This role is similar to a trainer in charge of a training or group of students, although it is also compatible with other roles such as Author or Group Administrator.
Here you will see what a Trainer can do, how to create one and what permissions he has in LMS.
What a Trainer can do
The role of Trainer is only available from LC6 and later versions. It is therefore not accessible to users of LC Legacy, version 5 or earlier.
The Trainer is a type of user to whom an Administrator or Group Administrator assigns a series of Trainings, so he can check the enrolled students, their academic progress and generate reports. They can be either Courses or Pathways. The Trainer fulfills the role of the trainer who gives a class or training and follows up on his students. To do so, he has access to certain sections of the Admin Portal, the Trainings and Reports sections.

The Trainer only has access to the Admin Portal as an observer, he cannot generate content or sumon students (create Courses/Pathways, or Trainings).
Initially the Trainer does not have access to the Learner Portal, since he is not a content consumer. However, this role is also compatible with other roles. For example, in addition to the Admin Portal you can give him access to the Learner Portal if you also assign him the User role. This would be useful, for example, in the case of a trainer who, in addition to monitoring, has to provide the training (access the content).
Trainer role can also be combined with Author role, if you want him to be able to create new content in addition to monitoring.
How to create a Trainer
The Trainer role is managed in a similar way to the existing roles. Its management depends directly on an Administrator or Group Administrator, since they will be the ones to assign him the role and the Trainings he will have access to.
Assigning the Trainer role to a user
This is done in the same way as the other roles, log in with Administrator role and access the GlobalAdmin configuration tool In the Users section use the button to + Create user; or select one of the existing ones and enter the Edit tab. In the User Access section look for the LMS drop-down menu and select the Trainer option.

Assign Trainings to a Trainer
For a Trainer to have access to the data of a Training, he must first be assigned to it. This is done through the Training configuration.
As Administrator or Group Administrator access the Admin Portal. If it is a new Training, access the section and click on the New Training button. In the configuration tab you will see that there is a new field called Trainers, clicking on it displays a new side menu where you see all the users of the instance with this role. Select the one you want and click on the Save button.

You can also assign Trainers to existing Trainings. Access the same section, and search in the list (of Courses or Pathways) the one you want to modify. Click on the three dots on the right to open the menu and select the Details option. In the configuration tab you will see the same Trainers field where you can assign the users you want.
Several Trainers can be assigned to the same Training.
You can assign a Trainer only if the status of the Training is Open or Planned. If the Training is Closed you will not be able to modify its settings.
Trainer permissions in LMS
Once the Trainer user has been created and has access to certain Trainings, he will be able to log into the instance to access the Admin Portal.
In the right column he will only have access to two sections: Trainings and Reports. These are the ones he needs to track and check the reports.
Like other users, the Trainer can create + New views for the Trainings list.
However, within these sections he has limited access.

He cannot create new Trainings, the New Training button is not available.
He cannot enroll or remove students or groups from a Training, the Enrollment button is not available.
He cannot delete a student's progress in the Training, the Clear log button is not available.
He cannot access the content of the Training, the See Course/Pathway button is not available.
All other functionalities and accesses are the same: he can view the course structure, the enrolled students, check their progress, comments and ratings, and export progress and connection details reports.
Permissions and limitations are the same for both Course and Pathway Trainings.
- At the User section he will only see the students participating in the Trainings assigned to him.
- In the History section he will only see the reports that he has generated himself.
For a student to be visible to the Trainer, he must have started the training, made some progress. If he is simply enrolled but has not started the course, he is not shown in the progress reports, only in the enrolled list, to which the Trainer has no access.