Label manager
Following the release of the new LC6 in mid-June 2023 (06/21/2023) a new option has been added to the Admin Portal Setting: the Label Manager.
Labels are keywords used to classify content. They have two functions:
- Make it easier to search for content by using them as a filter.
- Complete the information about the content given to the learner in Learner Portal.
So far they were created and assigned only when creating or editing the content Details.
You started typing in the text box, and if the label already existed, it was displayed automatically. If not, you created it yourself and it was added to the existing ones. But there was no section where you could see these created labels, modify them or delete them. This is what the new Label Manager is for.
This tool is only available to users with Administrator role, as they are the only ones who can access the Setting section.
If you go to Setting section and click on the Labels option, you access a list of all the existing labels in the platform, those that have been assigned to some type of content.
Clicking on the New label button displays the side menu to create a new label. Type the keyword in the box and click the Save button to create it.
Go back to the list and you will see that the new label has been added. Clicking on the three dots icon gives you access to two options:
Edit to change the name of the label, in the same side menu.
Delete to remove the label from the list and from all the contents assigned to it, which means, to remove it completely from the platform. A pop-up window will ask for confirmation.
From now on, when you want to assign a label to a content in the Details menu, just click on the + Add button. A list is displayed to select any of the existing labels that have not already been assigned to that content. In addition to a text box above to create and add a new one.
Next to this you will see some buttons with the labels already assigned. You can remove them from the content by clicking on the X.