Share: User's guide
Modified on: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 2:00 PMThe user role in Share is designed for a tailored learning experience. He can shape the application according to his preferences: subscribe to his favorite playlists, keep the posts he finds interesting and follow authors whose content catches his attention. This experience is based on exploring, discovering new content through what Share makes available to him. The application shows you all the playlists you can access, both public and subject to approval by their authors. And it suggests other new authors from the organization for you to discover new references. In addition to accessing the content, the user can give his opinion to the rest of the community, or directly send a message to the author himself.
Throughout this article you will discover what this user experience is like and what tools are available.
Navigation through the different sections of Share is done through the menu on the left side of the screen.
There you can see the different sections of which the platform is composed, click on each one to access them. At the top, the icon of the three stripes makes the menu fold in the form of icons to leave more space for the content. Next to it there is another icon of a magnifying glass.
Click on it to access the search tool, entering keywords you can find the contents you want. The search engine searches in titles, descriptions and topics. At the bottom, the results appear separated into three tabs: publications, playlists and users. Click on each of the buttons to access them. There is also a Filters tool, clicking on it opens a side tab to order the results by Newest, Oldest, Most commented or Most viewed.
In the right corner you can see the user profile icon, clicking on it opens a side tab to access the Notifications list and My apps in Netex Cloud, or Logout to exit the platform.
Entering Share, the first section you access is the New section.
It shows all the publications of the playlists to which you are subscribed in order of publication, the most recent first. Here you can keep up to date with new content, and access and interact directly with the content. If you are not yet following any playlist a banner invites you to move to the next section.
The most interesting section of Share, especially when you are just getting to know the platform, is Discover.
Displays all the playlists to which you have access, both public and those that requires approval by the author. You can distinguish the latter because they have the Private banner in the thumbnail. The list is sorted by relevance, the ones with the highest number of subscribers are shown first. But clicking on the Filters tool displays a side window with other options such as Order by Newest or Title, or Filter by the Languages of the playlist or the Topics with which it was tagged.
Clicking on any of the playlists you can enter it.
Public playlist
In the public playlist the author allows that any user can view the publications, even without being subscribed.
In the playlist you can see:
- The cover image.
- The author, clicking here you can access to his profile page.
- The title.
- The number of subscribers.
- The number of publications.
- The button to Subscribe, if you do so, the new publications will appear in your New section. You can Cancel subscription at any time, returning to this page and clicking on the button of the three dots you will see this option.
- The Information button opens a pop-up window with the description and the topics.
- The publications, clicking on them you can access the content.
A Share publication, as in social networks, can be content of many types: a video, an audio, a document, an external link... or even an article written by the author himself. In the thumbnail you can see some preview information: the header image, the title, an introductory description, and the author and the date it was published. At the bottom you also have some options:
- Comments displays a side window where you can leave your opinion about the content for the author and other users to see. You can also see what others have written. Comments can be Edited or Deleted.
- Saved for later, if you do not have time to view the publication, or simply want to save it, click here to add it to that section.
- Subscribe to the playlist of the publication if you are not following it yet. This way the new content will appear in the New section.
- Follow author to save him in the Favorite authors section. This way you will be notified every time a new playlist is published by him.
- Write to the author displays a side window to send a private message to the author, once sent it can not be edited or deleted.
Private Playlist
In the private playlists you can only see the preview information, you have to request access to the author to see the publications.
As with public playlists, you can see the cover page, the author, the title, the number of subscribers and publications, and the information window. But the publications area is hidden, you must click on the Request access button to send a request to the author. When the author approves it, you will receive a notification and you will be able to start enjoying the content. You can Cancel the request returning to this page and clicking on the three dots button, then you will see this option.
In this section you can see all the playlists you are following, click on them to access the content.
By default the playlists are sorted alphabetically. Clicking on the icon of the three stripes next to the header, a side window is displayed to Order by Newest, Title or Relevance (more subscribers).
Saved for later
Here are saved the publications you have marked as Saved for later.
They are sorted by date of publication, if you want to remove any from the list you click again on the icon at the bottom of the publication.
Favorite authors
This is a shortcut to your favorite authors, a list of those you are following, in alphabetical order.
If you click on the See all... section, in addition to your Favorite authors, you can see a list of All authors in the platform. Clicking on any of them you can access the information about him.
Access an author's information page by searching him in the list, or clicking on his name in the header of a playlist. Here you can see:
- The profile picture.
- The author's name.
- The number of followers he has.
- The number of publications he has made.
- The + Follow button. The author will be added to your list of Favorite authors and you will be notified every time he publishes a new playlist. You can Unfollow him at any time by returning to his information page and clicking on this same button.
- The list of Publications and Playlists he has created. To switch from one to another, click on the buttons. The icon with the three stripes on the left displays a side window to Order the list by Newest, Title or Relevance (more subscribers).
Favorite topics
Each time an author creates a new playlist he assigns a series of tags that describe the topic. As user you can mark the topics you want as favorites to access here to all the playlists that have this tag, and receive a notification each time a new one is published.
Clicking on any of the topics in the menu you can see all the related playlists. If you want to add or remove topics from the list click on See all... A side window is displayed with:
- The Clear button to delete all the topics you have marked as favorites. This action cannot be undone.
- The topics you are following, click on the X to stop following them.
- The rest of the topics, click on any of them to start following it.
- The Search... bar to filter among the topics you are not following yet.
Integration with LMS
Besides Share, if you are using LMS, you will see that both tools are integrated to offer quick access to new playlists and publications.
On the LMS's home page, if you scroll down you will see two new carousels:
- News from your subscriptions, which displays the content of the New section. Clicking on any of the thumbnails takes you to the content of the publicatio.
- Discover playlist, which shows the content of the Discover section. Clicking on any of the thumbnails takes you to the playlist in Share.