Share: Author's guide
Modified on: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 1:51 PMThe author role in Share is in charge of creating content and generating this dynamic of knowledge exchange. Any user can become an author, both the most influential experts in the organization and the emerging values that want to contribute their knowledge. Doing so is very simple through playlists, lists of resources (videos, external links, articles, documents...) related to a topic of interest. They can be easily created, similar to posting on other social networks, and kept up to date by continuously adding and editing publications. In addition, the authors have control of their content at all times, they decide what they publish and who can see it, and they are in contact with the rest of the users, their followers, to receive feedback.
Apart from creating content, authors can also consume it like other users. But this article will focus on the tools available to them to publish.
The user's guide show that the sections to access the content are located in the menu on the left side of the screen. The author also has access to them, but the tools he will use to publish his own content are on the right.
The most important is the + Publish button in the top corner, click there to add a new resource to any of your playlists. And if you click on the user profile icon you will see there are also new sections in the side tab, such as My publications, My playlists, My followers... that you will use to edit and organize your content.
My playlists
The first step to start publishing is to create a playlist, you cannot post a publication without assigning it to an existing playlist. To do this, go to the user menu and click on the My playlists section to access the author space, where you can manage and track your content.
You can see here your information as it will be shown to other users:
- Profile picture.
- User name.
- Number of Followers, users who directly follow your profile (they receive publication notifications).
- Total number of Publications in your playlists, including private ones (only the author can see them).
- Customize space button, click here to choose, change or delete your cover image.
- Order by, click to organize your content list by Newest, Title or Relevance (most followers).
- My publications, My playlists and My followers, use these buttons to navigate between these three sections, same way as in the user menu.
- New playlist button. Click here to display a new side window.
Here you set the details of the new playlist, the fields marked with an asterisk are required:
- Cover image.
- Name.
- Description, it is displayed when the user clicks on the Information button of the playlist.
- Tags, you can tag the playlist with related topics so that users can find it more easily using the Topics tool. If the tag has already been used in other playlists it will appear in a drop-down list. To remove a tag, click on the X next to it.
- Languages in which the contents of the playlist will be available, you can select one or several. Remember that in the Discover page, users can filter by language the playlists they want to explore.
Visibility to set how the playlist access will be:
- Public: any user can view the playlist information, access its publications and start following it without the author's approval.
- Requires approval: any user can view the playlist information, but can't access the publications until the author approves their request. This kind of playlist show a Private label on the thumbnail.
- Private: only the author himself can see and access the playlist. You can use this option to keep the playlist hidden until you decide to publish it, or simply having a private list of contents. This kind of playlist show a Private label in the thumbnail.
An author can create as many playlists as he wants. To edit their settings or delete them, access the playlist itself and click on the three dots button to select Edit or Delete.
My publications
Once you have created a playlist, you can publish content by clicking on the + Publish button in the right corner. A side window opens with two options:
- Share link: to publish a link to an external resource (web page, video, document...).
- Write an article: to create your own publication through a simple WYSIWYG editor.
Share link
Clicking on this option opens a new side window.
Enter here the link to the resource and click Next. You will access a new window where you can edit the publishing details:
- Cover image. If the external resource has an image it is imported automatically, but you can also delete it or change it by clicking on the buttons.
- Name, title for the publication.
- Content, description displayed under the title of the publication. It is also imported directly from the resource, but can be modified.
- Choose a Playlist where the new publication will be added.
Click on the Publish button in the right corner to add the new publication.
Write an article
In addition to external resources you can also publish an internal article, within Share. To do this select the Write an article option to access a new page where you can edit the publication:
- Add a cover image, if you do not choose any, the default image is shown.
- Name the article.
- Use the WYSIWYG editor to add the content of the article. You can format the text, add tables, images and multimedia files, or edit the content in HTML code.
- You can also add attached files (any format, maximum 40Mb) that the user can download. Click on the window and select it from your computer, or drag it to it. Below appears a list with the files already attached, to delete any of them click on the trash can icon.
- Finally Choose a playlist as in the previous case, and click on the Publish button.
Edit a publication
To modify any of your publications in the profile menu or in the author space click on My Publications.
Look for the publication in the list and click on the three dots in the lower right corner. You will see the options Edit, which brings you back to the editing window of the publication, and Delete to erase it permanently.
My followers
Clicking on My followers section in the profile menu or author space takes you to a list of all users currently following you.
If any of them is also an author, you will see his number of publications under his profile picture. Click on it to access his author space, see his content and start following him.
If you have any playlist that Requires approval, click on this section to see the list of requests you have received.
Next to each one there is an option to Accept and give access to the user, or Ignore to reject the request and make it disappear from the list. In both cases the action cannot be undone.
If any user sends you a private message through one of your publications, you will find it in this section.
Besides the message you can see the name of the user, the publication through which it was sent and the date it was sent.
As an author you can receive several notifications related to your content:
- When a user starts following you.
- When a user requests access to a playlist subject to approval.
- When a user comments on one of your publications.
- When a user sends you a private message.