My team dashboard
This manager report can be found in the Reports section of the Admin Portal. In addition to the portal switch, new categories have been added to provide more information, and direct links to trainings and user profiles. The panel that was previously in the Learner Portal is disabled, although the link in the side menu remains and redirects you to the new section in Admin Portal.
To access My team panel your user must:
- have administrator or group administrator role. To learn more about roles and permissions you can check this article.
- be the line manager of one or more users. To find out how to set up a line manager, check this article.
If you are an administrator but do not have users under your responsibility, the panel displays without data. If you are not administrator, you will not have access to the panel.
Activate the Manager Report addon
Before accessing the manager report, you must check that the addon is activated, otherwise this option is disabled. To do this, enter the portal, go to the Settings section in the menu on the left and click on Addons.

Among the available addons you will see the Manager Report. Click on it to access the configuration screen.

The flag is to enable or disable the Manager Report. If you disable it, the link to My team dashboard will no longer be available in the menu of both Admin and Learner Portal, so you will not be able to access it.
Check this article to learn more about how the Manager Report addon works.
See My team dashboard
Once you assign one or more users to a line manager, he will be able to check the training progress of his team, and monitor their evolution. To do so, access the dashboard from the Learner Portal link, clicking on the profile picture to display the user menu.

Or directly access the Reports section in the Admin Portal. Both links lead to the same panel.

Here you can check My Team dashboard with all the training progress data of the users.
This dashboard, like the rest of reports, is updated every 24 hours. The data displayed is not updated at the moment, they refer to the previous day. More info about the reports update. So, if you have just assigned users to a line manager, the data will not be displayed on his dashboard until the following day.
This dashboard has two sections:

The graphics show data on the total progress of all team members. The academic progress of the line manager is not included, only the users under his responsibility.
In the upper bar data such as:
- Number of team members, users in your team.
Badges they have obtained.
Team progress, percentage of completed trainings compared to the total number of trainings.
- Total time spent in hours.
Average rating, obtained from all the ratings users gave to the trainings.
The circle graphs show the information segmented by content type: Courses, Pathways, Learning Programs and Events. Each circle shows the status of the training: Completed, In Progress and Not Started. In the center displays the total of contents, but if you pass the pointer over each circle you can see the number of contents in each status.
Data on courses and events that are within pathways are included in the Pathways category. The categories Courses and Events only include trainings for independent contents, outside pathways.

The bottom part displays a table of users assigned to the line manager's team and their progess in detail:
- badges achieved.
- progress related to total of trainings he is enrolled in.
- content completed out of the total.
- time spent in total.
You can use the search box at the top of the list to search in both the Name and Username categories. Clicking on each name displays the user's file, with the learning progress and awards obtained. The content links take you to the page of each training.

In the upper right corner you can access the Open filters tool, which filters the results of the dashboard by status of the training. When a filter is applied any filter you can see a label next to the button, clicking on the X removes the filter.
Access to the external Detailed data report has been temporarily disabled, it will be notified when it is available again.
Other teams within My team
There may be a user within your team who is also a line manager for another team. In this case, you can also access his My team dashboard and check the data of the users assigned to him. Even if they have not been assigned to you, as each user can only have one line manager assigned to him.

This feature is useful when the team you are in charge of has other teams or sub-groups with their particular line manager. To set up this organization, simply assign the users of the sub-group to their line manager in GlobalAdmin, and assign him your user as line manager too.
Results in the team table (Progress, Courses, Pathways...) are only those of the user himself. Even if he is in charge of another users, their results are not added in these fields.
In the team table there are two columns related to this sub-group:
Team progress, shows the total progress of the team under that member.
Team button, clicking on it you access the dashboard with the progress of the team in charge of that member. The interface is the same, you can identify you are in another dashboard checking the heading at the top.

This sub-group may have a member who is line manager for a third team, and within it another for a fourth, and so on... In this case, access to those teams work in a hierarchical way, the person responsible for a higher team will have access to all the teams that come from it.