Global Admin glossary of data fields
Modified on: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 2:13 PMHere is a list of all the data fields you can find in Global Admin, those in bold are mandatory.
User creation form
- Username
- Name
- Surname
- Password
- Office phone
- Mobile phone
- Location
- Line manager: person in charge that can access your learning records
- NIF/NIE: user ID for subsidised trainings
- Company: for subsidised trainings
- CIF: company ID for subsidised trainings
- Time zone
- Language
- Country
- Extended fields: created by the instance administrators (optional)
- About me: more info on the user
- Interests: more info on the user
CSV file to import/export users
Operation: the values can be:
- C: create
- U: update
- D: delete
- If none is indicated, it is considered as a C
Active: to enable/disable the user:
- true: enable
- false: disable
Welcome mail: send a welcome e-mail to the user:
- true: send
- false: do not send
Group creation form
- It is an organization: for multi-organization purposes
- Name
- Description
- External ID: a key name for the group
- Image: cover picture
- Group administrators (with group administrator role)
- Extended fields: created by the instance administrators (optional)
CSV file to import/export groups
Operation: the values can be:
- C: create
- U: update
- D: delete
- If none is indicated, it is considered as a C
- Parent group: if you want this to be a subgroup, enter the External ID of the parent group
External app form
- Name
- Order
- Customer Key
- Shared Secret
- Open in: new tab or current tab
- Color
- Custom keys: each line represents a pair key=value
- Description
- Roles: can be Student, Content developer, Administrator, Teacher and/or Observer
- Google Analytics: Google account required
- Zapier Apps: Zapier account required
- Main logo
- Secondary logo
- Notification logo
- Text color
- Background image
Advanced settings
- Password configuration:
- Minimum characters required
- Advanced settings: password rules (special characters, reCAPTCHA...) and expiration (in days)
- IP restrictions:
- IP adresses whitelist: only them will have access to the platform
- Users whitelist: can access the platform from any IP address without restrictions
- Email server configuration:
- Extended ASCII encoding
- hostname
- Port
- Username
- Set password