PDF printing
This tool allows you to export a PDF version of the content, a very practical format for reading it in offline mode as it looks good on any device, regardless of the operating system. However, the interactive features of the components are lost: pop-up windows, hotspots, carousels...
The PDF printing option can be found in the view bar at the top.

When you publish the unit, you will see an option to apply the PDF format.

After publishing with this option, go back to the Publications tab within the unit and you will find the PDF version ready to download or link.

Some considerations to bear in mind when converting to PDF:
- Accordions, tabs, and slides display the contents of their blocks all in a row, one after the other

- The before/after images show the two images one after the other
- The flip cards show the two sides of the card one after the other
- Questionnaires display all questions one after the other

- Popups and popovers are displayed at the end of the content, as attachments
- In multi-language content, you can indicate which languages to include in the output PDF. If two or more are specified, all content is printed in one language, and then all content is printed in the next language

- Certain sections and components can be hidden / excluded for the PDF version. In this way, the theme designer can indicate that navigation buttons or toolbars are not to be printed
This feature is available in some of the themes. See the information window in the theme selection to find out which ones.