Mark as completed
As the training administrator, you might find that you need to force the completeness of a content, that is, to manually mark one or more users as having completed a course. This process can be done easily from the LMS Admin.
This feature is only available to users with global administrator role (not available to group administrators).
Complete a content for multiple users
To complete a Course for one or more users, from the LMS Admin go to the page of the Training you want to edit, and click on Enrollment.

Search for the users in the Student enrollments list and check the flag next to their name. At the top of the list, the option Mark as completed is displayed.

Clicking this option opens a side window where you must enter the completeness data:
- The score the user obtained in his/her through content
- The time he/she took to complete it
- The date on which he/she completed it
- If the content has Assessment enabled, you can enter the grade the user obtained
- You must also enter the dates on which the user accessed the content for the first and last time
The values must be a positive integer. Fields marked with an * are mandatory, If no value is entered the time and score will be set to zero in the user's progress data, and the dates will be those of the current day. To apply the changes click the Save button.
For Pathways and Learning Programs the process is the same, but a new option is displayed in the menu where you must select which of the courses in the content will be completed. Only one course can be selected at a time.

Complete several contents for one user
On the other hand, if you want to complete several courses for the same user, access his/her profile in the Users section.

Search for the contents in the Course trainings list and mark the flag next to the title. At the top of the list the option Mark as completed is displayed. The options in the side window are the same, click the button to Save changes.