In Netex Drive uploaded content is organized within libraries, no resource can be outside of them. A library functions as a container or folder that groups resources related to a topic.

Libraries are created by users, and can be:
Public: any user can edit the details of the library, and the files it contains
Private: only administrators and users with permission can access this library. This permission can be:
Can view: allows the user to view and download the contents of the library
Can edit: also allows uploading and deleting contents
Create a library
To create a new library access Netex Drive, and on the main page click the Add library button.

A side menu appears where you can enter the Name. If you enable the Public flag all users will have access, if you leave it disabled the library will be private and you will have to grant access to users. Click the Save button to create the new library.

Edit a library
The list shows the library information: its visibility, which users have edited it and on which dates. Clicking on the information icon on the right displays a side menu with more data.

Clicking on the three dots displays the editing options:

Details, to edit the library settings
Manage permissions, to edit the users who have access. If the library is public, this option is disabled
Delete, to permanently erase the library
In case of a library shared from another instance, neither administrators nor users can change the name, manage the files or delete it.
Manage permissions
When managing the permissions of a library you enter a new page with the list of users who have access to it. With the buttons on the left you can switch between users who were given access individually, and groups of users.

You can select one or more by clicking on the flag on the left to modify the type of permission they have, or remove access completely (Delete). To add new users or groups click on the Add button.

A new list is displayed with all the users of the instance that have access to Netex Drive. Select one or more and click the Add button to choose the type of permission, Can view or Can edit.