Netex Drive integrates directly with the LMS and Author apps. For example, when publishing authoring units in Author it will be necessary to indicate in which Netex Drive library they will be stored. This way, when creating new courses in LMS you can link directly to those units, and choose which version to use or automatically display the latest stable version.
Uploading files
But it is not only used to store Author content, you can also upload files in other formats such as e-learning (xAPI) and multimedia (images). To do this, access Netex Drive and enter the library where you want to save these files by clicking on it. You will see a list with the files it already contains and information about them:

- File Name
Title, in case of Author files this will be the title of the authoring drive
Version, only applies to Author files
Type of file: xAPI, image...
- If it is a Draft or not, only applies to Author files
- Creation and last modification Dates
Users who created and last modified it
- File Size
To add new content click the Upload file button and browse your computer to find the file and select it. A panel at the bottom right shows information about the upload process, which files are being uploaded and their progress.

If it closes, you can open it again by clicking on the upload icon in the upper right corner.

Manage files
You can manage the files already uploaded with the icons on the right:

- the Information icon displays a tab with more data about the file
- the three dots display the options menu, to Download or Delete the file
Remember that depending on the type of role you have and the permissions of the library you may or may not have access to these options.
Using the flags on the left you can select several files to delete them at the same time.

Other available options are:

- View a side window with Information about the library
- Add users
- Display the options edit library Details, Manage permissions and Delete library
In the left menu of the screen there is the Recent option, which allows you to access a list of all uploaded files, sorted by date of modification. From here you can access the same management options, to download or delete them.