Author Legacy (v5.x): Tokyo
Activities | Simple answer
"Simple answer" activities allow students to choose the correct option. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added as well. B. Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure some positive feedback and negative feedback related to questions. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up answer options Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 6. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. It is very easy to calculate scores for simple answer activities because: We get a 100% score if we are right. We get a 0% score if we are wrong. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how each question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of its questions. Randomize This property allows reordering answer options every time we create a "Quiz" or a "Reinforcement activity". Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the question. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it in the breadcrumb trail), go to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up answer options 3. Write the text for the answer options. 4. Optionally, the text included in the option can be replaced by an image. Select the option and add an "Image" within the "Add" tab. Then you will be able to delete the text and leave only the image. 5. If needed, you can add more answer options. Select an option, go to the "Add" tab, "Insert after", and select "Option". 6. After configuring all the options, choose the correct option. Select the correct option, access the "Properties" tab and select "True" within the "Correct" field. Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Optionally, we can format answer options to locate them in screens and columns. Options offer three specific properties: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size The answer option works like a column, so it occupies 12 spaces in the screen by default (that is, 100% of the available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by answer options (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the option (1-12 spaces). It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, and the third column will appear as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Combining these properties allows creating layouts like these: Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally, wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly. However, sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. In order to do so, we will add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column" (as mentioned in Step 2). Use of columns allows creating complex layouts like the following: Step 6. Configure feedback Finally, we write texts for positive and negative feedback to finish activity configuration. As you can see, text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Multiple choice
"Multiple choice" activities allow students to choose various answer options. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added as well. B. Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure positive or negative feedback for each question. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up answer options Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 6. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. Score obtained in Multiple choice activities is calculated with the following formula: number of right options / total number of available options. We understand that the number of correct options corresponds to options that should be marked, but also those that should not be marked. So, this means each option represents a percentage of the total score. For example, an activity consists of 10 options whose value is 10%, 5 options are correct, and 5 options are wrong. Students mark 5 correct answers, so they get a 50%; they do not mark the rest of wrong options, so they get also a 50%. What happens if students mark an incorrect option? They get a 90%: there are 5 correct options (50%), 1 wrong option, and 4 unmarked options (40%). In conclusion, total score is 50%+40%, because unmarked options are not penalised. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Randomize Answer options reorder with each attempt. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it in the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up answer options 3. Write the text for the answer options (see here the setup options available for texts) 4. Optionally, the text included in the option can be replaced by an image. Select the option, go to the "Add" tab and add an "Image". Then you will be able to delete the text and leave only the image. 5. If needed, you can add more answer options. Select an option, go to the "Add" tab, "Insert after", and select "Option". 6. After configuring all the options, choose the correct option. Select the right option, access the "Properties" tab and select "True" within the field called "Correct". Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Optionally, we can format answer options to locate them in screens and columns. This way, the options consist of three specific properties: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size The answer option works like a column, so it occupies 12 spaces in the screen by default (that is, 100% of available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by answer options (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the option (1-12 spaces). It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, and the third column will appear as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Combining these properties allows creating layouts such as: Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column" (as mentioned in Step 2). Use of columns allows creating complex layouts like the following: Step 6. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish activity configuration. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Matching
"Matching" activities allow students to link contents located in two columns. When creating the activity, we have the chance to choose two different presets to link concepts: "Tap-Tap with arrows" or "Tap-Tap without arrows (but using colour codes)". This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added. B. Answer options. This section consists of two columns. The left column is the "Origin" and the right column is the "Target". C. Feedback. It is possible to configure positive or negative feedback for each question. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up answer options Step 4. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. In order to calculate the score of tap-tap activities, we use the following formula: number of correct links / total number of links. For example, if an activity has 5 possible links and students choose 3 correct links: 3/5= 0,6 = 60%. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Randomize This property allows reordering answer options each time we generate a "Quiz" or a "Reinforcement activity". Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Origin size By default, the origins and destinations occupy the same space. As with the columns in the rows (See here), We can modify the space occupied by the origins, giving it a width between 1 and 12 spaces. Targets size We can also modify the width of the destinations, applying a width between 1 and 12 spaces. High of the options We can select two ways: Unified: all options will have the same size, applying the largest option size. According to text: the options will occupy a different size, according to their content. Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts) 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it within the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up answer options 3. Write the text for all the origin and target answer options. 4. Select each "Target", go the "Properties tab and define a title for each target option. 5. Then select each "Origin", go to the "Properties" tab and choose its target, that is, the correct target option for each origin option. 6. Optionally, the text included in the option can be replaced by an image. Select the option, go to the "Add" tab and add an "Image". Then you can delete the text and leave only the image. 7. If needed, you can add more answer options. Select an option, go to the "Add" tab, "Insert after", and select "Origin" or "Target". Step 4. Configure feedback Finally, write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish activity configuration. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Drag and Drop
Activities with "Drag and Drop" answers allow students to use drag & drop actions to link concepts moving some elements to specific targets. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components can be added as images, audios, and videos. B. Answer options. This section consists of two arrows. The upper row includes "Target" buttons and the bottom row includes the "Origin" buttons. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure positive or negative feedback for each question. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up answer options Step 4. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Style This property allows choosing two view options: Horizontal: origins are located in one row and targets are located in another row. Vertical: origins are located in one column and targets are located in another column. Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. In order to calculate the score of tap-tap activities, we use the following formula: number of correct links / total number of links. For example, if an activity has 5 possible links and students choose 3 correct links: 3/5= 0,6 = 60%. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how each question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of its questions. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Number of origins per row Number of origin items per row. If we use the "View" type "Vertical" we must indicate 1 unique target per row. Number of targets per row Number of target items per row. If we use the "View" type "Vertical" we must indicate 1 unique target per row. Origin size By default, the origins and targets occupy the same space. As with the columns in the rows (See here), We can modify the space occupied by the origins, giving it a width between 1 and 12 spaces. Targets size We can also modify the width of the destinations, applying a width between 1 and 12 spaces. Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it with the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up answer options 3. When created, activities include two elements by default: "Origin" and "Target". If you need to add more elements, select the activity and add new "Origin" and "Target" items from the "Add" tab. 4. Select each "Target". It is possible to add a reference text or image from the "Add" tab. 5. Then access the "Properties" tab and define a title for each target. 6. Then select each "Origin", go to the "Properties" tab and choose its Target, that is, the correct target option for each origin option. Step 4. Configure feedback Finally, write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the setup. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | True/False
"True/False" activities allow students to choose various answer options. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components can be added as images, audios, and videos. B. Answer options. Each answer option has a text and two buttons: True and False. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure positive or negative feedback for each question. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up answer options Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 6. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. In order to calculate the score of true/false activities, we use the following formula: number of correct statements / total number of statements. For example, if an activity has 4 statements and students answer 3 statements correctly: 3/4= 0,75 = 75%. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Randomize This property allows reordering answer options each time we generate a "Quiz" or a "Reinforcement activity". Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question wording (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it within the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up answer options 3. Write the text for the answer options. 4. Optionally, the text included in the option can be replaced by an image. Select the option, go to the "Add" tab and add an "Image". Then you can delete the text and leave only the image. 5. If needed, you can add more answer options. Select an option, go to the "Add" tab, "Insert after", and select "Option". 6. Select each "Option", go to the "Properties" tab, and choose True or False within the "Correct" field. Step 4. Advanced layout design for answer options Optionally, we can format answer options to locate them in screens and columns. Options consist of specific properties: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Correct This field is used to give a True or False value to each option. Text 1 Allow to change de text of the "True" option. Text 2 Allow to change de text of the "False" option. Type of index Not used in this activity. Size The answer option works like a column, so it occupies 12 spaces in the screen by default (that is, 100% of available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by answer options (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the option (1-12 spaces). It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, and the third column will appear as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column" (as mentioned in Step 2). x For example, we could add an audio inside a column. Step 6. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the set up. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Essay
Activities with "Essay" answers allow students to write their own answers. This type of questions does not offer self-correction, so they are only appropriate if they are going to be assessed by a teacher or mentor. The student answer is sent to the LMS and this platform will be required to interpret this information correctly and send it to the mentor. If intelligent systems like Netex SmartContent are used, it will be possible to assess and grade student answers. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added as well. B. Writing area to answer questions. Students write their answer in this field. C. Feedback. This type of activity only admits adding a neutral feedback. Feedback text should be as neutral as possible. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up the writing area Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 5. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it within the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and including the components you need. Step 3. Set up the writing area 3. Select the page and access the "Properties" tab. This text field behaves like a column, so we can change its size and position, if needed: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size The text field works like a column, so it occupies 12 spaces in the screen by default (that is, 100% of available space). We can change the number of spaces from 1 to 12 in order to adjust the space occupied by the text. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the option (1-12 spaces). It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. 4. If needed, you can add more text fields within the activity. Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and text fields are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column" (as mentioned in Step 2). Use of columns allows creating complex layouts like the following: Step 5. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts for neutral feedback. It is a generic feedback and we recommend making it look as neutral as possible. It is possible to delete it, if preferred. Additionally, we can add some positive feedback.
Activities | Fill the gaps
Activities with "Fill the gaps" allow students to complete texts filling blank fields. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added as well. B. Answer area. This field is used to write a text including gaps for words that students must insert to complete them. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure some positive feedback and negative feedback related to questions. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up the answer area Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 5. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. The following formula is used to calculate scores for Fill the gap activities: number of correct options / total number of options. For example, if an activity has 5 options or gaps and students choose 3 correct options: 3/5= 0,6 = 60%. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Distinguish upper case/lower case This property allows us to determine if students should distinguish between upper case and lower case when writing. The options are: No: With this option, it does not matter whether students use upper case or lower case. So, they can write "house", "HOUSE", hOUSE", "House", etc. For example, for proper names these types of spellings are accepted: "New York", "new york", "new York", "NEW YORK"... This makes completing activities easier for students, as they do not need to pay attention to spelling rules. Yes: With this option, students must write words with an exact spelling (the same spelling used when editing). For example, if we want students to write "New York", they should spell it that way; no variations will be admitted ("new york", "new York", etc). This option is useful when spelling accuracy is important for student assessment. Distinguish accents This property allows choosing if it is required to write word(s) using correct accent marks. No: With this option, presence or absence of accent marks will not be penalised. So, the word "canción" (which means "song" in Spanish) will also be admitted without its accent mark "cancion". Yes: With this option, students must write words exactly as described in wordings. So, the word "canción" will only be admitted if written with accent mark. Ignore special characters This field allows us to indicate the special characters that are not considered when marking an answer as valid. So, we could ignore full stops, commas and similar characters. If students wrote "I want this, but can't have it.", we could consider that there is no need to include a full stop or a comma. So, the option "I want this but can't have it" would be admitted. Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write a text for the wording of the question (see here setup options available for texts). 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it with the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up the answer area 3. There is a text field below the wording. You should write the phrase or content that we want to include. Then, put the cursor over the text area where you want to add a gap. Go to the text editor, click on the "Components" menu and add an "Option". A gap is automatically added inside the text. 4. We can configure options clicking on each gap and going to the "Properties" tab to adjust the following fields: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Correct We should use this property to indicate the right word that students must use to fill the gap. It is important to say that students must write exactly what is written inside this field; otherwise, their answer will not be marked as correct. However, this rule will not be applied if we have decided the lack of accent marks is not penalised. If we want to offer more than one correct option, we should write options separated by two characters || (key combination for this is Ctrl+Alt+1). For example: View By default, all blank spaces appear with a "Normal" view, that is, each gap has the same size of the word replaced by it. If we want to edit this size, we select the "Editable width" view. So, if we leave gaps as they are shown by default ("Normal" view), we will be giving hints about the size of word(s) that students need to use. However, we could avoid this using the "Editable width" view to leave the same blank space for every gap. Size (number of letters) This property is enabled if we choose the "Editable width" "View". We will adjust the gap size. This is measured according to the number of letters. So, for the word "team", its minimum width would be 4. Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and texts are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. We can add "Columns" to create these layouts.Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts, etc. From the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column". PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size Columns occupy 12 spaces inside screens by default (100% of available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by columns (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the column (1-12 spaces). This way we can insert spaces between columns. It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. This example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Use of columns allows creating complex layouts. For example, we could add various audios and texts to complete. The example below shows two columns. Each column occupies 5 spaces and includes an audio file and a text where students need to fill the blanks. Furthermore, offset for the second column is "1", which allows leaving some space between both columns. Step 5. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the setup.As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image.If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Dropdown
Activities with "Dropdown" answers allow students to choose the answer from a drop-down menu. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added. B. Answer area. We use this area to add the answer options that will be included within the drop-down menus. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure positive or negative feedback for each question. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Set up the answer area Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 5. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. The following formula is used to calculate scores for dropdown activities: number of correct options / total number of dropdown options. For example, if an activity has 5 drop-down answers and students find the right option for 3 of them: 3/5= 0,6 = 60%. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can modify how much a question counts towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts) 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it within the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need. Step 3. Set up the answer area 3. There is a text field below the wording. You should write the phrase or content that we want to complete with drop-down options. Then, put the cursor over the text area where you want to add a gap. Go to the text editor, click on the "Components" menu and add a "Drop-down" list of options. A drop-down list of options is automatically added inside the text. 4. Each drop-down list includes three possible options by default when created. Click on this component to open and see the options within. You can add as many answer options as you need. Select the drop-down list, go to the "Add" tab and add an "Option". 5.Open the drop-down menu and select an option. Access the "Properties" tab and edit a text for each option. Repeat the same steps for the rest of options within the drop-down list. 6. After adding a text for each option, select the drop-down list, go to the "Properties" tab and configure the right answer in the "Correct" field, that is, define the right answer option. Step 4. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and answer areas are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we need to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) to create more complex layout designs. We can add "Columns" to create these layouts. Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts, etc. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column". PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size Columns occupy 12 spaces inside screens by default (100% of available space). We can modify the number of spaces occupied by columns (1-12) to create different layouts: 2 columns (6 spaces each), 3 columns (4 spaces each), etc. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the column (1-12 spaces). This way we can insert spaces between columns. It's the last column This property allows marking an option as the last one within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. So, this example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Use of columns allows creating complex layouts. For example, we could add various audios and texts to complete. For example, there are two columns in this case. Each column includes an audio file and a text where students need to fill the blanks. Each column occupies 5 spaces. Furthermore, Offset for the second column is "1", which allows leaving a space with the previous column. Step 5. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the setup.As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image.If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Single Matrix
Activities consisting of "Single Matrix" allow creating various simple answer questions within the same activity. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added. B. Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents. Setup process Step 1. Create the activity Step 2. Set up activity properties Step 3. Set up the wording Step 4. Add answer options Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 6. Configure feedback Step 1. Create the activity There are two preset templates available to add a Single Matrix activity: an empty activity or an activity where various answer options are inserted inside a table (Single matrix). A. Activities with table format help to quickly create a series of answers organised in rows and columns (matrix). There is only 1 correct answer per column. In this case, we have used this preset to choose the location of each landmark (there is only 1 correct option, as you can see). B. Empty activities allow us to create activities from scratch and customise them. Step 2. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can decide how much questions count towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity.If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. The score is calculated with the following formula: "groups of correct options / total groups of options". For example, if we create 3 groups of options and students provide 2 correct answers, activity score will be 67%. Step 3. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). Paso 4. Añade opciones de respuesta 3. Selecciona el texto que encontrarás debajo del enunciado. Debes redactar el contenido que deseas y dejar los espacios correspondientes a las opciones de respuesta. 4. Sitúa el cursor en el sitio del texto donde quieres añadir una opción. En el editor de textos, despliega el menú "Componentes"y selecciona "Opción Matrix Single". La opción se añadirá en el texto. Repite la operación con tantas opciones como necesites. Ahora, debes crear los grupos de opciones de respuesta. En el ejemplo, verás que hemos definido dos preguntas con tres opciones cada una. Por lo tanto, tenemos que crear dos grupos de opciones, el grupo 1, con tres opciones, y el grupo 2, con otras tres opciones.Para configurar estos grupos de opciones: 5. Selecciona la opción y accede a la pestaña de "Propiedades". 6. En el campo "idGroup" indica el identificador del grupo. Aquí puedes indicar lo que quieras (un número, una letra, una palabra...). Debes repetir la operación con todas las opciones, teniendo cuidado de asignar el mismo identificador a las opciones que pertenezcan al mismo grupo. En nuestro caso, las tres primeras opciones les vamos a asignar el grupo 1 y a las otras tres, el grupo 2. 7. Después de configurar los grupos, selecciona la opción correcta de cada grupo, accede a la pestaña "Propiedades" y márcala como verdadera en la propiedad "Corrrecto". En nuestro ejemplo, las opciones correcta serán la primera del grupo 1 y la segunda del grupo 2. Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) to create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column". PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size This is the size occupied by a column inside a row. Columns can occupy 1-12 spaces. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the column, which can be visually noticed. Offset can have 1-12 spaces. It's the last column This property allows marking a column as the last column within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. So, this example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Use of columns allows creating complex layouts. We could create two columns within the activity we have shown as an example; each column would include a text and that would help to organise questions better. Step 6. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the setup. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.
Activities | Multiple Matrix
"Multiple Matrix " activities allow creating a question offering multiple answers, but these answer options may be inserted in a text or a table. This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added. B. Answer options. This area may also include more answer options and/or new "Columns" that include new contents. C. Feedback. It is possible to configure some positive feedback and negative feedback related to questions. Apart from text, feedback can also include an image. Setup process Step 1. Create the activity Step 2. Set up activity properties Step 3. Set up the wording Step 4. Add answer options Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Step 6. Configure feedback Step 1. Create the activity There are two preset templates available to add a Single Matrix activity: an empty activity or an activity where various answer options are inserted inside a table (Single matrix). A. Activities with table format help to quickly create an activity where we can select one or more correct options per row and/or column. B. Empty activities allow us to create activities from scratch and customise them. Step 2. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view.All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can decide how much questions count towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see Section 3.27.). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity. If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Mastery Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. This is the formula to calculate the score: "correct options marked - wrong options marked / total correct options". If an activity had 6 correct options, the score would be divided by 6 (16%) and results would be: 2 correct options: 33 points 3 correct options: 50 points 3 correct options and 1 wrong option: 33 points 6 correct options: 100 points 6 correct options and 1 wrong option: 83 points Step 3. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Opcionalmente, puedes añadir más componentes dentro del enunciado. Asegúrate de tener el enunciado seleccionado (la forma más cómoda es mediante el camino de migas) y, en la pestaña "Añadir" incorpora los componentes que necesites. Paso 4. Añade opciones de respuesta 3. Selecciona el texto que encontrarás debajo del enunciado. Debes redactar el contenido que deseas y dejar los espacios correspondientes a las opciones de respuesta. 4. Sitúa el cursor en el sitio del texto donde quieres añadir una opción. En el editor de textos, despliega el menú "Componentes"y selecciona "Opción Matrix Multiple". La opción se añadirá en el texto. Repite la operación con tantas opciones como necesites. 5. Tras añadir todas las opciones deseadas, selecciona una opción correcta, accede a la pestaña "Propiedades" y márcala como verdadera en la propiedad "Corrrecto". Repite el proceso en todas las opciones que sean correctas. Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns Normally wordings and answer options are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we want to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) to create more complex layout designs. So, we will be able to add "Columns". Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc. Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts or answer options. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's the last column". PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Size This is the size occupied by a column inside a row. Columns can occupy 1-12 spaces. Offset This option allows creating a breaking space on the left of the column, which can be visually noticed. Offset can have 1-12 spaces. It's the last column This property allows marking a column as the last column within a row. This means that the second column will be placed below the first column, so that the third column appears as the last one within the row. So, this example shows that more options could have been included in the first row, but we have decided to insert them in the next row. Step 6. Configure feedback Finally, we write the texts of positive and negative feedback to finish the setup. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback, you can delete it.