Author Legacy (v5.x): Tokyo
Activities | Likert escale
"Likert escale" questions allow creating a quiz where you can add a score to different items within a defined range. These activities are not self-assessable. Remember: This activity is only avaliable as a "Reinforcement activity". This type of activity is divided in three areas: A. Wording area. It includes a sample text by default, but other components like images, audios, and videos can be added. B. List of rating items. In this area, we can add more items and elements within the rating scale. C. Feedback. It is possible to add neutral feedback within this activity. Setup process Step 1. Set up activity properties Step 2. Set up the wording Step 3. Add the items for the rating scale Step 4. Configure the rating scale Step 5. Configure feedback Step 1. Set up activity properties After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Activity title. Weight This property is only avaliable with a quiz with a "Quiz" view. All the questions have the same weight by default, but we can decide how much questions count towards the final score. See here to know how to calculate quiz scores depending on the weight of each question included in the quiz. Attempts This is only applied when we add questions within a quiz with an "Activity block" view (see here). This property allows indicating the number of attempts available to complete the activity. If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). Step 2. Set up the wording 1. Write the text for the question (see here the setup options available for texts). 2. Opcionalmente, puedes añadir más componentes dentro del enunciado. Asegúrate de tener el enunciado seleccionado (la forma más cómoda es mediante el camino de migas) y, en la pestaña "Añadir" incorpora los componentes que necesites. Step 3. Add the items for the rating scale Rating scale items are the items to which students will give a score within a preset value scale. You can add as many items as needed. 3. Select the first item, access the "Add" tab and click on "Item" to add a new item. Add as many items as you need. 4. Then, write a title for each item. 5. When adding new items, titles of items inside the value scale always appear as headers. If you want these headers to show in the first row only, select the second item and subsequent items, go to the "Properties" tab and select "Yes" within the "Hide header"property. Step 4. Configure the rating scale Rating scales consist of 3 options or columns by default. In order to add more options: 6. Click on one of the options within an item included in the rating scale, go to the "Add", tab and insert a new "Option". Repeat the same action with each item. 7. Finally, give a title to each option within the rating scale. Step 5. Configure feedback Remember: This acction is only necessary in Tokyo or Vegas template. In Berlin template the feedback are automated and you will not be able to change them. Finally, write a text for the neutral feedback of the activity. This feedback will appear regardless of students' answers. As you can see, the text can be replaced by an image. If you do not want to include any feedback at all, you can delete it.
Activities | Image response
This activity allows you to add clickable areas on an image and the student will point to the correct elements. This activity is structured in three zones: A. Utterance zone. By default it includes a text,but you can add other components such as image, audio and video. B. Response zone. This area will include an image on which you can add correct response areas. C. Feedback zone. Custom positive and negative feedback can be set up here. Setup process Step 1. Configure activity properties The first thing to do is to enter the "Properties" tab of the activity and select the"Resource" or image that will be the basis of the activity. In addition, other properties can be configured. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Title Title of the activity. Attempts Only available if the quiz uses the "Activity Block" view. Allows you to configure the number of attempts available to answer the activity. Mastery The score required for the activity to be completed and appear in positive feedback. By default, 100% of the correct areas are required. The score is evenly distributed across all the correct areas. If the activity has 4 correct options, the score for each would be 25% 0.5% will be deducted for each incorrect option selected. Thus, in an activity with 4 correct options, if the student selects all the correct ones but marks 2 additional zones incorrectly, his note will be: 25% 25% 25% 25%-0.5%-0.5%-90% Weight Property only available when using the "Questionnaire" view of the questionnaire. By default, all questions weigh the same, but here we can change the value that the question will have with respect to another. To understand the effect of weight modification on activities, see here where you can see how a quiz note is calculated. Resource Select the image that will act as the graphical background of the activity Border color of areas allows you to customize the border color of the areas selected by the user. Border color of the right areas Border color the wrong areas Sets the colors of areas when they are correct or incorrect. Step 2. Set the utterance 1. Compose the question statement text (See here for text settings) 2. Optionally, you can add more components within the statement. Make sure you have the statement selected (the most comfortable way is by the crumb path) and, in the "Add" tab incorporate the components you need. Step 3. Add the right answer areas Select the activity and add as many correct areas as needed. They can be moved and resized as needed. In the areas we have three specific properties: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Circle Decide whether the area will be circular or square. X Position(px) Allows you to set the exact position of the area on the X axis Y Position (px) Allows you to set the exact position of the area on the Y axis Width Height Sets the width and height of the area in pixels Step 4. Set up feedback We finish the configuration of the activity by writing the positive and negative feedback texts. As you'll see, text can be replaced with an image. And if you don't want to have feedback, just delete them.