The second section you can find in the Learning Manager of LMS is Learning. This is probably the most important or the most used, here you start to create the basic educational content, which are the Sprints or didactic units that constitute the formations.
From this page you can also manage the Events and Trainings, although you will see this in more detail in other articles. Here you are going to focus on the Sprints section.
The Learning page can be accessed by all users with a content management profile (administrators, authors and validators), although some will have limited access according to their roles. If you want to know more, see the article on Access roles for Learning Manager.
Access to the Learning Manager tool, the first page where you land is the Learning section. It contains a list of all the Sprints to which you have access (depending on your user role), and the tools to create training content.

From the release of version 5.26 (February 8th, 2023) it has been fixed that users with author role can view or edit Sprints and Channels created by other authors. From this release onwards, they will only be able to view in their workspace the contents created by themselves. However, it is still possible to access other Sprints or Channels if you have the direct link (URL).
In order for an author to be able to freely access the rest of the contents of other authors, it is necessary to give him the role of general administrator, although this implies giving him access to the rest of the functionalities for this type of role.
In the case of users with a group administrator role, they don’t have access to the contents of authors belonging to a group, even if they are designated as the administrator of the group itself. Trainings must be managed by general administrator roles.
These changes do not impact instances that have the multi-organization functionality enabled. Thanks to it, catalogs can be created and Sprints and Channels can be added to them, so that all authors and group administrators can have access to the contents.
Learning has several sections:
Search bar

Located at the top, it allows you to change the order of the list and filter the results to find the Sprints you are looking for. To do this you have several options:
Search...: click on the search box, enter the keywords you want and press the Enter key. The tool will show you all the Sprints that are related to them. Please note that the search engine searches only in the titles of the Sprints, not in their internal content.
Quick filters: first of the buttons to the right of the bar, the large funnel icon, allows you to make a first filtering according to two criteria:
- Sprint Status, whether Published, Unpublished, or Stateless (never published).
Catalog, shows only the Sprints that belong to the catalog that you specify.
Sort by: the up and down arrows allow you to change the order of the Sprints according to:
Criteria: Can be sorted by Name, Creation Date , and Update Date.
Meaning: within this criterion, the Sprints can be shown in Ascending or Descending order.
Extended fields filter: the second icon with the smaller funnel allows you to locate the Sprint through the Additional Information values that you enter when creating it. To know more about Extended Fields you can check this article.
Tags filter: in the same way you can also add Tags to a Sprint. In this section you can refine the search by filtering by those tags.
List view: the last icon is used to change how the Sprints list will be displayed, as a series of cards with thumbnails or simply as a list of entries.
Side menu
Located on the right side, it allows quick access to the three sections of the Learning page: the current Sprints section, as well as Events and Trainings, each of which is explained in detail in the corresponding articles.

New Sprint
In the lower right corner, this button allows you to access the menu to create a New Sprint. This creation and configuration process is explained step by step in this article.

List of Sprints
Finally in the central part of the screen there is the complete list of Sprints to which you have access, if you have not entered any search criteria. Or if you have, the results that match what you have marked.

Sprints are displayed in groups of thirty, if you use the card view, or twenty in the list view. To navigate through the following Sprints, you have at the bottom of the list the SHOW MORE button in the card view, or the page navigator in the list view.

To the right of each Sprint there is a three-dotted line that gives you access to the editing and management menu, as you can see in the corresponding article. If you want to view the training contents of the Sprint, just click on the thumbnail or the title.