Learning manager
Let's take a quick look at the LMS interface in the Learning Manager section, the tool we access to create and manage training content.
Before explaining the features the content editor is composed, and the functions each type of role can play, it is worth mentioning two important factors:
- As users we will only have access to the content of the Catalogs we are part of, in addition to the content we have created ourselves, even if it has not been registered to any catalog.
- Although access to the tool is enabled for both the Group Administrator and the Author, the available features and access are different for each one. You can check the access to each role in the Access Role Table article.
When accessing Learning Manager, the following interface appears:

At the top central part there is a series of tabs that give us access to the four different sections of the editor: Training, Channels, Awards and Reports, the latter of which is only accessible to Group Administrators.
Under these tabs we find a Search Bar, which help us to filter and facilitate navigation through the different elements of each section.
On the left side we will see a Toolbar that will vary depending on the section we are in, and that we can expand or minimize by clicking on the three stripes.
At the top right corner, as in the rest of the platform, we find the User Profile and Quick Access.
The Learning section is the starting point of the Authors to design the training content. Here we can:
- create the didactic units, called Sprint.
- manage the virtual and face-to-face Events or training sessions with students.
- manage the Trainings, which allow us to suscribe students in Sprints or suggest new content to them.
The features we have access to in this section change depending on our user access. To learn more, please check the Access Permissions Table and articles related to the topic.