Complete a Sprint
In the Learner Portal completing your training is even easier and more intuitive. In this article you will see how to do it step by step. First, remember that the content is organized by small courses, called Sprints, which are divided into different categories (to know how, you can check this article). The Sprints are composed of several Activities in which you can learn new concepts or evaluate your knowledge. Therefore, these activities can be of several types: videos, interactive presentations, quizzes ... Once you complete the requirements, you have successfully passed the Sprint. Then you can check your records and awards, and in some cases download a Certificate.
Mandatory and recommended sprints
You must remember that there are two types of Sprints, depending on how they have been assigned to you:
Mandatory: Sprints that trainers require you to complete. You are enrolled to them automatically and you must complete them within the deadline. To distinguish them from the rest, simply look for the Mandatorylabel in the upper right corner of the course thumbnail.
Remember that a Sprint can start immediately or at an upcoming date. Depending on this, the mandatory Sprints can appear in two different categories: My Learning if the training has already been opened; or Coming soon if the training is about to start in the near future
Recommended: sometimes trainers can also suggest new trainings related with your skills, or that they consider of special interest. In this case it is not mandatory, enrollment is optional. You can find these Sprints in the Recommended category, clicking on them appears a pop-up window with all the relative information, and the Enrollbutton to access the content.
Remember that when you sign up for the Sprint, it will move from Recommended to My Learning category. Once started, it is not possible to unsubscribe from a recommended Sprint, but it is not mandatory to complete it either.
Accessing my Sprints
To access your training simply log in to the platform with your username and password, and on the main page look for the first carousel of thumbnails, named My Learning. Here you will find all the Sprints in which you are enrolled, both those that you have not started, and those that you started but have not completed yet.
If you access the Sprints page from the side menu, select the My Learning category in the row of buttons to view these Sprints. Click on any of them to access their content.
Inside the Sprint
Once inside the Sprint you can see the list of Activities, separated by Blocks with a cover image and a small introduction. There may be one or several blocks, depending on the formation.
You may not be able to access some blocks or activities, which appear blocked (shaded with a padlock symbol). To access them you must first complete other previous activities, in the thumbnail you can see the requirements to access.
On the main page of the Sprint you will see a information button (circle icon with the "i") in the upper right corner, which shows you a new window with the course information, the evaluation criteria and the awards that you will get for completing it.
There is also an information button next to each activity, which also shows you the awards and evaluation criteria of each specific activity.
Starting the Sprint
Once you know the content and requirements to complete the course, simply click on the first activity and follow the on-screen instructions to start the training. In the upper right corner is the X button to close the activity and return to the Sprint page.
Remember that only xAPI activities save the progress you are getting. If you close other types of activities (video, quizz...) before completing them, you will lose the progress you made, and you will have to start again from the beginning.
Once you complete the activity, you can close it by clicking on the X and your progress will be saved. You can check it by the thumbnail of the activity, you will see that it appears shaded with a √ symbol.
The trainer can activate the possibility of leaving a comment on each activity with your opinion about the training. In that case, next to the information icon will appear another one in a dialog box shape. Click on it to display a side menu where you can leave your opinion and see the comments of other participants.
Besides, if the Sprint is evaluable, in the upper right corner, next to the Information button, a wheel appears with the percentage of evaluable Activities that you have passed so far.
Clicking on it shows you a new window with your score and the passing criteria.
Completing the Sprint
Once you complete the activities, passing the evaluation criteria, you will have successfully completed the Sprint. A pop-up window will confirm your achievement and display your results.
Click the OK button to return to the portal, or on BACK TO SPRINT to return to the course and review the contents.
Some Sprints may not allow you to go back to review the content once you've completed them, depending on its setting.
Check my results and leave a review
If you want to be sure whether or not you have successfully completed a training, simply go to the Learning Records section of your Account Tools.
The Sprint should appear in the Expedients list, with the Passed mark next to the date you completed it. If the training also awarded a certificate, it will be available for download in the Certificates tab.
To leave a review of the course, click on the thumbnail to open the information pop-up window, and go to the Reviews section.
Regarding the Pathways, only the mandatory Sprints count towards the completion of the course. The course will be considered completed and will disappear from My Pathways carousel even if there are other non-mandatory Sprints that have not been completed. Therefore, we recommend that before finishing the last mandatory Sprint, you make sure that you have completed the rest.
Remember also that the progress bar only increases with the mandatory Sprints you complete. If the Pathway does not have any mandatory Sprint, you will not see any progress reflected in the bar. But you can be sure that you have completed it because it will disappear from My Pathways carousel, and will show as Passed in the Learning Records.