Tutorial: How to build a Multi-organization, part 2
Practical example of Multi-organization
Let's continue with the second part of this tutorial where we will see the creation of a Multi-organization step by step. Remember that we are working on a Learning Cloud instance that will serve as a training platform for the construction company "Constructia", an organization composed of a series of companies, including the architecture studio "Sketches" and the electrical installer "Lux".
If you arrived here first, we recommend that before continuing you take a look at the first part of this tutorial: Multi-organization, add Users and Organizations.
Adding Catalogs
We now switch to the Admin Portal tool, in the Settings section click on Addons to access the Catalogs feature.
Click on the New Catalog button and create three different ones:
- “Sketch Catalog" for the educational content of this particular company,
- “Lux Catalog" for the installer's catalog,
- and a third one called "Constructia Catalog" that we will use for the training courses common to the two companies already mentioned.
- With the catalogs created, click on the three-dot menu of each one to Manage the authors that will have access:
- To the "Sketch Catalog" we will add the people in charge of architectural training in this company .
- To the "Lux Catalog" those of electrical installations.
- And to the "Constructia Catalogue" those in charge of general training such as Administration, Health and Safety…
- If we have created a global Author that belongs to both organizations, we will assign him to the three catalogs so that he can monitor them.
- Finally, click on the same three dots menu to Manage the companies(organizations) to which each catalog will be assigned:
- The "Sketch Catalog" will be assigned to the "Sketch Organization”.
- The "Lux Catalog" will be assigned to the "Lux Organization”.
- The "Constructia Catalog" will be assigned to both organizations, as it will provide common training for both.
Adding Trainings
With the structure of organizations and catalogs created, it is time for the Authors to start working on the educational contents or Courses. Important: remember to label each Course with the catalog to which it belongs.
- With the first Courses made and published, we proceed to enroll the employees to start their training. Entering the portal as Administrator or Group administrator, in the Contents section we look for the course we want, and click on the three dots on the right to Create a training.
We can also click on the New training button from the Trainings section, and select the course from the drop-down menu.
- Once they have been generated, we access the side section Trainings where we will see the list with all the ones we have created. To assign employees to each one, enter the course and click on the Enrollmentsbutton at the top right:
- We can choose the Manage students by group option if we want to add all employees belonging to a particular Organization or Subgroup at once. For example, for a general training on occupational hazards in installations that would affect all employees of the company "Lux", we will look for the "Lux Organization" that we have created in the list and add it to the Training. If, on the other hand, it is a particular training on a new type of electrical panel that affects only those who are going to handle them, we can select only the subgroups "Installers" or "Warehouse personnel”.
- If we have a very specific training that involves some particular employees from different departments, we can enroll each one separately through the option Manage students individually. We can also use it to add other employees who do not belong to the Subgroups we have enrolled.
Important: if we are using a Group administrator profile we can only enroll students who belong to the groups we manage.
For the Pathways and Learning Programs trainings, the process follows the same steps.
Exportings Reports
Once our content has been published and the employees have been invited, we can begin to consult their progress in the training and the results they have achieved. Remember that at least 24 hours must pass since the publication to be able to process and display the first results. And that the data displayed will correspond to the previous day.
- We must access the User section within Reports:
- If we log in as General Administrator, we will have access to the data of all the employees and formations of the corporation, that is, to the entire instance.
- If we simply want to access the data of a specific company, for example of the employees of "Sketch", we will access with the profile of one of the Group Administrators of the "Sketch Organization”.
- If, for example, we want to see the evolution of the trainings that affect the employees of the company "Lux", both those belonging to the particular "Lux Catalog" and to the general "Constructia Catalog", we will access with one of the profiles that manage the "Lux Organization ”:
- In each entry of the list we will see the results of an employee for a particular course. Therefore we will have as many results as the number of employees we have enrolled to each course. If an employee is enrolled to more than one course, a result will appear under his name for each of them.
- To narrow down the information, we can use the Open filters tool located at the top right. With it we can select any specific Group (organization) and limit the results displayed. For example, within the "Organization Lux" we can limit the results to only the employees "Installers" or "Warehouse personnel”.
- In addition to the existing data columns, we can add other new columns by clicking on the gear icon at the top right, which will display a menu with all the available categories. For example, in addition to the Status or Score, we can consult the Last Access.
- Once we have the groups of employees and categories of results we want to consult, we can export a Report in CSV format. To do this, click on the Export button at the top left of the list. Then we go to the History section where a new entry will appear with our username and the date on which we created the report. Click on the cloud icon on the right to download the report to your computer.
- We will repeat the process as many times as we want filtering by the rest of the organizations ("Sketch Organization") or subgroups ("Administrative", "Quantity Surveyors"...) to obtain the reports of the different departments.