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Components | Interactive video

Modified on: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 1:43 PM

"Interactive video" is a component that allows adding interactive elements inside a video (texts, links, and activities).
This component is added within the screens by default (see here), but it can also be added inside other components (for example, inside a Pop-up, a Row, etc.).
You will find this component in the group of "Multimedia" components.

Setup process

1.  Access the "Properties" tab, go to "Resource (.mp4)" property, and select the mp4 file that you want to play and the video cover.

2. Play the video and stop it to choose the video point where you want to add an element.

3.  Access the "Add" tab and click on elements that you want to add inside a video (texts, links or activities consisting of Multiple choice or Simple answer).

4. After adding a component, access to its properties and configure them. Each component has specific properties. Read the list of properties at the bottom of this article.

5. If you need to add more components to a video point, you just need to continue playing it and stop it at the appropriate moment.

Interactive video properties




Video title.

Resource (.mp4)

Video file that will be displayed. We will click on "Examine" to access the unit Resources folder (check here ), and select the video we found. Only mp4 files are supported.


Video cover.


This property is only enabled when "Local video" is the option selected inside "View". This property allows associating video subtitles to each available language. Click on the "+" button to do so.

Then select the language and associate it with the subtitles file. File format must be vtt format.


This property allows changing the space occupied by a component inside a central column of contents. This component occupies 100% of the space by default, but size can be reduced to other preset percentages or changed to "full-size". Some quote styles may overlap the central column if "Full" width is chosen.


This property allows placing the component on the right, on the left or on the centre of the central column where contents are shown. It can only be used when applied "Width" is less than 100%.


It allows inserting a component and "wrap" it with a text.

  1. First, we should select a size percentage under 100% in "Width" property (25%, for instance).
  2. "Float" property allows us to decide where we would like to put the floating component (on the right or on the left of the text).
  3. We use arrows to move the component and put it on the text.
Lock fast forward It allows to decide if the user can advance or rewind freely through the video or if the reproduction will be automatic and will not be able to interact with it.

Overcome goal

It allows to modify the configuration of the overcoming of the objectives of this concrete component. We can choose between:

  • Inherited: aply the default value defined in the Completion Objectives Area (See here).
  • Non objetive: this video will not an objetive to complete the unit.
  • Play: the video playback is required to complete the unit.
  • Complete: to complete the unit, the video must be displayed.

Link and text properties


The activities added in the interactive video are not evaluable. They are not taken into account for the calculation of the student's score. They are only reinforcement activities incorporated throughout the video.




Field to insert the link title. This title will be used to put the cursor over the interactive element of a video.


Text that will be displayed over the video.

 Link to resource

(Specific property for links). This link can be associated with a file. Click on "Examine" to select the link in the unit Resources folder.

 External link

(Specific property for links). This link can be associated with an external URL.


Indicate the exact time, minute, and second (HH:mm:ss) when the link will start to display. By default, the link is shown at the exact time where the video was stopped. However, we can change this manually.


This is the time during which the link will be displayed on the screen. It is a useful property if we do not want the video to stop and fade out after X seconds when the link appears.

Pause the video

This property allows choosing if the video stops when the link appears.


We can decide where the link will appear: top, centre or bottom area of the video.

Activity properties




Field to insert the link title. This title will be used to put the cursor over the interactive element included in a video.


Indicates the exact time, minute, and second (HH:mm:ss) when the link will start to display. By default, the link is shown at the exact time where the video was stopped. However, we can change this manually.


Minimum score required to pass the activity. Mastery required to pass simple answer activities will always be 100%, as there is only one correct answer. However, this score can be adjusted for Multiple choice activities.


This property allows giving a specific value or weight to certain questions. This means some questions count more towards the total score.


Each time we open an activity, the order of the questions is randomised with this property.

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