Initial setup | Unit logo
Modified on: Mon, 8 May 2023 4:18 PMWe can add an image or customer logo in two spaces of the unit:
- In the browser tab (favicon)
- On the top interface of the unit
Logo in the browser tab (favicon)
To add this logo, simply go to the "Common Properties" tab and select the desired image in the"Favicon" property
Logo on the top interface of the unit
You can add a logo on the top interface of the units, with a maximum size of 200x50 pixels. This logo will be located between the Main Menu and the unit title. To be able to add it you need:
1. Tap on the top inferno of the unit.
2. Access the "Properties" menu
3. In the "Logo (220x50)" property press "Browse" and select the image that we will use as logo. Remember that you should not measure more than 200x50px.