Author Legacy (v5.x): Berlin
Berlin Template
Initial configuration Berlin - Initial setup | Structure and navigation Berlin - Initial setup | Main menu Berlin - Initial setup | Unit title Berlin - Initial setup | Unit logo Berlin - Initial setup | Numeration type Berlin - Initial setup | Main colours Berlin - Initial setup | Typography Berlin - Initial setup | Unit resources Berlin - Initial setup | Accessibility tools Berlin - Initial setup | Downloadable PDF of the unit Berlin - Initial setup | Free or sequential navigation Berlin - Initial setup | Set up unit goals Berlin - Initial setup | Multi-language Pages, sections, and popups Berlin template offers: Content pages, a concept quite similar to sections inside a unit. Sections. Located within pages, sections are subsections are used to organise contents graphically. Sections are just a visual resource to display contents within a page. Pop-ups or pop-up windows. We should consider the following aspects: There are two types of pages: Cover and Content page A page must always contain at least one section. All components must always be added inside a section. This example shows two pages: the first one has a cover screen, and the second one has one single page where we can scroll up and down vertically. Berlin - Pages Berlin - Section Berlin - Popups Berlin - Tooltips Components Components | Page audio Components | Headline Components | Text Components | Table Components | Quote Components | Highlight Components | Teacher content Components | Code Components | Instruction Components | Image Components | Before/after Components | Image Exchanger Components | Image Gallery Components | Map of clicks Components | Launcher Components | Image grid Components | Parallax Components | Divider Components | Audio Components | Video Components | External animation Components | Scormplayer Components | Audio gallery Components | Interactive video Components | Carrusel Components | Drop-down Components | Tab group Components | Accordion Components | Row Components | Timeline Components | educaPlay Components | Activity block Components | Non-interactive activity Components | Glossary Components | Float content Activities Activities are elements that can be added inside “Activity blocks” (See here). These are the type of activities available: Activities | Simple answer Activities | Multiple response Activities | Image response Activities | True/false Activities | Matching Activities | Drag and Drop Activities | Fill the gap Activities | Drop-down Activities | Single Matrix Activities | Multiple Matrix Activities | Likert scale Activities | Essay answer Activities | Free Draw Tracking and others Author - FAQ | Tracking and traceability of templates Author - Berlin | Smart Content Support
Initial setup | Structure and navigation
BERLIN is a template designed for academic and educational purposes. It allows creating contents organised in sections where you can include different information for students and teachers. Structure This template offers two types of basic pages: Navigation We can navigate in landscape mode across pages or buttons, as buttons are located on the right and on the left of the page. Moreover, units also consist of: 1. Navigation menu. It allows accessing the pages/sections within the unit. 2. Go to the previous page. 3. Go to the next page. 4. Teacher content. This button is only available for teacher publication setting option. It also shows additional contents that we will put at teacher's disposal. 5. Unit tools. These are optional features that can include elements such as Search tool, Language selector, Glossary, Help, etc. Students know where they are, as they are guided by available titles: 1. Unit title. Check here to see how to configure this title. 2. Page title or section title. Check here to see how to configure this title. 3. Other headlines within the section, like section title (See here ) and other headlines (See here)
Initial setup | Main menu
The units created with the Berlin template have a main menu, located in the upper left corner of the screen that will allow access to the different pages of the unit and its sections. Show or hide pages in the main menu By default, all pages on the unit will be displayed in the main menu. If desired, you can hide one or more of them. For this you need to access the properties of the pages and, in the "Hide Page" property, check "Yes". Show or hide sections of a page in the main menu By default, sections that are added to pages are not displayed in the main menu. If desired, one or more sections can be displayed in the main menu, acting as quick access to sub-sections. To do this, you need to access the properties of each section and: - In the "Show in menu" property marks "Yes". - In the "Menu Title" property, enter the text to be displayed in the menu associated with the section. Configure the section submenu is collapsed or not When sections of a page are displayed in the menu, the menu for those subsections is displayed by default. If you want collaps it, you must access the interface properties and under "Submenu collapsed" indicate"Yes".
Initial setup | Unit title
The title is a text located at the top of the interface. Simply select the text and compose the desired title. As you can see, when you edit the title, the text editor is activated, so you can modify its properties (bold, italic, color...). To see how to use the text editor,see here. NOTE: The unit title is relevant data as the LMS training platform will use the unit title to identify it over any other. This is a data that must be included in the manifest file of the unit. So, if you change the unit title, the LMS platform won't let you update it. (See more information). See here how to set the title.
Initial setup | Unit logo
We can add an image or customer logo in two spaces of the unit: In the browser tab (favicon) On the top interface of the unit Logo in the browser tab (favicon) To add this logo, simply go to the "Common Properties" tab and select the desired image in the"Favicon" property Logo on the top interface of the unit You can add a logo on the top interface of the units, with a maximum size of 200x50 pixels. This logo will be located between the Main Menu and the unit title. To be able to add it you need: 1. Tap on the top inferno of the unit. 2. Access the "Properties" menu 3. In the "Logo (220x50)" property press "Browse" and select the image that we will use as logo. Remember that you should not measure more than 200x50px.
Initial setup | Numeration type
This template allows choosing how we want to manage section numbering. These are the steps: 1. Click on the upper Interface of the unit. 2. Access the "Properties" tab. 3. Within the "Numeration type" property, we can select two options: Automatic: numeration of sections will be generated automatically (from 0 to n). This is the perfect option if we are planning to use our units with the SmartClassroom solution. This way, whenever the teacher modifies section order or adds a new section, numeration will be updated automatically. Manual: in this case we will insert page/section numeration manually. When choosing this option, we need to insert numeration for each page using the "Index number" included in the properties tab of every page (See here). We can put numbers or letters, as appropriate. We do not recommend using this setting option if the unit is used with the SmartClassroom solution.
Initial setup | Main colours
We can customise colours that will be applied to each element within a unit (buttons, menus, audio and video players, etc.). We will follow these steps: 1. Access the "COMMON PROPERTIES" tab. 2. Configure colour properties: Primary colour and Secondary colour. 3. Configure color properties of the positive and negative feedback (affected by the color of the feedback in the questions). This way, we will apply general colours, but it is important to mention that we can modify generic colour of some components, if needed. So, we could customise each component as appropriate.
Initial setup | Typography
To modify the typography of texts and titles in the Berlin template it is necessary to access the "Common Properties" tab and select the desired typeface in the properties "Font for texts" and "Font for titles".
Initial setup | Unit resources
There is a button in the right-upper corner of the Interface that we can click to access various additional resources for students (glossary, image gallery, etc.). Within each unit, we can choose the resources that will be put at students' disposal. We should bear in mind that these resources should be included within pop-ups, so first we should create pop-ups that will contain resources such as a glossary or image gallery. (See here ). In order to add these pop-ups to the resource list, we should: 1. Click on the upper Interface of the unit. 2. Access the "Properties" menu. 3. Select a pop-up from the following properties: Links popup. It allows associating a pop-up that offers students a list of useful links. Glossary popup. It is designed to associate a pop-up containing a glossary (See here ) Gallery popup. It is designed to associate a pop-up containing an image gallery (See here). This way, we could show students a group of the most relevant images included in the unit. Resources popup. It allows adding a pop-up to offer students some documents and a bibliography to download, for instance. Resources button title: It allows to change the text that is shown when making roll-over on the resources icon. Remember Configure the popup title correctly because this title will appear whenever students roll the cursor over the button.
Initial setup | Accessibility tools
Two tools to improve the accessibility of visually impaired persons can be added to the units created with Berlin. High contrast mode. Displays content with black background and blank text for easy reading. Zoom in the content. Expand or reduce the size of the content on the screen. These tools can be enabled within the Unit Resources zone. Simply select the Interface of the unit and, in the "Add" tab incorporate the options "Zoom" and / or "Contrast Mode".