Initial setup | Downloadable PDF of the unit
It is possible to add a PDF file including all contents of a multimedia unit. Once added, a direct access to the PDF appears within the unit resources.

In order to create this PDF, follow these steps:
- Click on the Interface.
- Access the "Add content" tab".
- Click on "PDF link".
- Access the "Properties" tab and adjust setting properties.

Title of the button appearing on the Toolbar. It is the text that will be shown when placing the cursor over the icon.

PDF file name.
Remember This PDF document will be created once the unit has been published You will be able to access it:
- From the Unit resources folder.
After downloading a published unit, unzipping it, and executing its index.html
If you change any part of content within a unit, you will need to publish the unit again to see this information updated in the PDF file.