Initial setup | Set up unit goals
Modified on: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 2:43 PMGoals are actions that students need to perform to complete a unit. Berlin template allows choosing Interaction with any component as a goal. For example, we could decide students need to visit all unit pages, view all unit videos, or pass all the quizzes…
Students must complete all the objectives set at 100%. If viewing unit videos is a goal, all videos must be watched (except for specific videos where we choose not to apply this goal).
Be default, Berlin template asks students to complete one goal so that a unit is marked as completed in the LMS:
- Visit all pages included in the unit. There is no need to complete them (Scrolling down until the end is enough).
You adjusted and customised all the other goals.
Remember Goals and navigation set up are two different things. |
General set up
1. Access the project "Properties" and enter the "Goals" tab.
2. There are different template components organised in categories, and you will be able to choose an option to apply for each component.
Section category.Pages can be set up as goals or not. We can choose between:
- Visit: This goal will be achieved once students have entered pages/screens.
- Scroll to bottom: This goal will be achieved once students have scroll down inside all pages/screens.
Activity category.Quizzes can be marked as goals. There are the following options:
- Non objective: Default option. Students do not have to interact with this component.
- Submit: Students must answer at least one of the questions in the quiz or reinforcement activity. They do not need to give the right answer, just answer the question.
- Pass or complete: Students will be required to pass the mastery score of the quiz or reinforcement activity or expire available attempts.
Multimedia category.This category groups video and audio. Available options are:
- Non objective: Default option. Students do not have to interact with this component.
- Play: It will be required to start to play audios/videos, but it will not be necessary to view them entirely.
- Complete: It will be required to play audios/videos until the end.
Organizer category.It includes components like click map, image gallery, accordion and tabs group. Available options are:
- Non objective: Default option. Students do not need to interact with this component.
- Interact: Students will be required to interact and perform actions with the component (If it is a click map, click on one of its active areas; if it is an image gallery, move across images, etc.
- Complete: Students will be required to complete the component, that is, accessing all its areas (click maps); visiting all images (image galleries), etc.
Image category.This section includes components like hidden block, images, before/after and image exchanger. Available options are:
- Non objective: Default option. Students do not need to interact with this component.
- Interact: It will be required to interact with the component. Click on the launcher, move across the before/after component, etc. Regarding images, we will just need to click on those that include a link.
3. After selecting the goals, we click on "Save".
Modify goals of a specific component
Imagine you have marked Play unit videos as a goal. This means you will be required to view all videos included in the unit.
However, Berlin template allows customising this behaviour. So, you could decide that you must view all videos or, at least, one of them.
Proceed as follows:
1. Enter the Editing area and select the component you want to modify.
2. Default value for "Overcome goal" property is "inherited". This means a general parameter will be applied to the project properties. When you click to drop-down the menu options, you will be able to choose another option available to set the goals. So, you could choose to apply "non objective".
Show the list of objectives to the students
If the unit has been configured with sequential navigation and with mandatory objectives, the page advance button will be blocked and, if pressed on it, a popup will appear indicating what the student must do to be able to advance.
But if the navigation is free, the student will be able to access any page freely, without receiving specific notices of the objectives to be performed. For this reason you can activate the button "Objectives of the unit" located in the interface, To activate it, you must:
1. Access the interface properties.
2. Mark the property "Show objectives" to "Yes".