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Components | Parallax

Modified on: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 5:43 PM

The "Parallax" component is an aesthetic resource that allows placing a full-size image that is displayed as a screen background and that makes the effect that it does not scroll, although the rest of the content does when scrolling. This feature can be useful to graphically separate different content sections within the same screen.

This component can only be added inside the screens (See here).

You will find this component in the "Image" component group.

After adding the component on the screen, just configure its only two properties:

Resource Image file to be displayed. Click "Browse" to access the unit's Resources folder (see here) and select the desired image from there. Images in jpeg, png and gif format are supported.
Height Allows you to define, in pixels, the maximum height of the gap in which the image will be displayed.
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