Activities | Drop-down
Modified on: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 6:02 PMActivities with "Dropdown" answers allow students to choose the answer from a drop-down menu.
This type of activity is divided in two areas:
A. Wording area. It consists of a sample text by default, but it can include other components like images, audios, and videos.
B. Answer area. We use this area to add the answer options that will be included within the drop-down menus.
Setup process
- Step 1. Set up activity properties
- Step 2. Set up the wording
- Step 3. Set up drop-down combos
- Option 1. Link a combo with other elements within a row or a column.
- Option 2. Locate an option aligned with a text.
- Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Step 1. Set up activity properties
After adding the activity, go to the "Properties" tab and configure them:
Title |
Activity title. |
Mastery |
Score required to mark activities as complete and get a positive feedback. Getting a 100% score is required by default. |
Attempts |
Number of attempts available for students to find the right option. Once a student finds the right answer, attempts will expire automatically. If you want unlimited attempts, write "0" attempts. (It will only be finished after overcoming the activity). |
Competences |
This property allows choosing what skills or academic goals are achieved after completing this activity. This option is useful when the platform used to publish a unit keeps record of these data. |
Step 2. Set up the wording
1. Write the text for the question (see here ).
2. Optionally, you can add more components within the wording. Make sure you select the wording (you will easily find it with the breadcrumb trail) before going to the "Add" tab and include the components you need.
Step 3. Set up drop-down combos
3. Debajo del enunciado, por defecto, se muestra un combo desplegable. Si lo necesitas, puedes añadir más desplegables.
4. Cuando se añade un combo, por defecto, tiene una posible opción de respuesta. Podemos añadir tantas opciones de respuesta al combo como necesitemos. Seleccionamos el desplegable y desde la pestaña "Añadir" añadimos "Opción".
5. Tras añadir las opciones correspondientes al combo desplegable, hay que configurar cada opción. Seleccionada cada opción, redactamos su texto y, en la pestaña "Propiedades" le damos un "Título" o identificador. Repetimos el proceso con todas las opciones del desplegable.
6. Tras configurar cada opción, seleccionamos el desplegable y, desde la pestaña "Propiedades", indicamos la respuesta correcta en el campo "Correcto", es decir, indicamos cuál de las opciones es la correcta.
We can also configure other properties of drop-down combos:
Título | Nombre del combo. Es un dato importante que debemos configurar si queremos situar la opción en línea con un texto. |
Correcto |
Aquí indicaremos qué opción es la correcta. |
Tamaño del texto |
Esta propiedad permitirá decidir el espacio disponible para el combo cuando está insertado dentro de un texto (en px). Resulta de gran utilidad si situamos la opción en línea con el texto mediante un Gap. |
Tamaño de columna | El combo se comporta como una columna, por lo que, por defecto ocupa 12 espacios en pantalla (el 100% del espacio disponible). Podemos modificar la cantidad de espacios que ocupa, de 1 a 12, lo que nos permite realizar composiciones diferentes (2 columnas, dando un tamaño de 6 a cada combo; 3 columnas, dando un tamaño de 4 a cada combo; etc.) |
Compensación |
Esta opción permite crear un espacio de separación a la izquierda del combo, pudiendo configurar de 1 a 12 espacios. |
Es última columna |
Permite indicar que este combo será el último de la fila. Así, aunque otro combo posterior cupiese en el espacio disponible, se le obligará a colocarse debajo. En este ejemplo, en la fila superior habrían podido entrar dos opciones más, pero hemos obligado que bajen a la siguiente fila. |
Step 4. Locate drop-down combos
Notice that combos do not have any element that can help us to identify what is the right option. So, we should look for a way to link the combo with any element that helps us to give an answer.
There are two feature options:
Option 1. Link a combo with other elements within a row or a column.
This option allows linking each combo with another element (an image, video, audio, or text, for instance). We should use just rows or columns.
In this case, we have created two 5-size columns (the second column has Offset 1 to separate it from the first column). We have added an audio inside each column, and we have put the combos associated below each audio (Size is 5 too). This way, each option is visually linked with an image.
Option 2. Locate an option aligned with a text.
Imagine that we want students to complete a sentence inside a text with drop-down combo options.
In this case, we should link the drop-down option with a blank in the text.
In order to do so, we put the cursor over the blank where we should put the target, we go to "Links" drop-down menu and choose "Gap".
Then, we select the Gap we added, go to its "Properties" tab and choose the drop-down combo we want to put there.
Remember that you should have configure the following setting options for the drop-down combo:
- A "Title" to identify and know how to select the drop-down combo.
- A "Size in text" to leave enough space to display the combo and its content correctly.
Step 5. Advanced layout design: how to add columns
Normally wordings and answer areas are enough to configure activities correctly, but sometimes we need to add especial elements (images, audios, etc.) and create more complex layout designs. We can add "Columns" to create these layouts.
Columns can be inserted anywhere: after wordings, after answer options, etc.
Within a column, we can add different elements: images audios, videos, texts, etc. Within the "Properties" tab, we can configure properties like "Size", "Offset" and "It's end column".
Use of columns allows creating complex layouts. For example, we could add various audios and texts to complete. For example, there are two columns in this case. Each column includes an audio file and a text where students need to fill the blanks. Each column occupies 5 spaces. Furthermore, Offset for the second column is "1", which allows leaving a space with the previous column.